
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2023 | 2023 in TMBG history | Songs of 2023

Date Venue City Attendance
2023-01-10 Mission Ballroom
(Colorado for All 2023 Sneaker Ball)
Denver, CO Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Cakebrunch FluffySciKitten Herroyalflyness

2023-01-11 Union Transfer
(Featuring all of Flood)
Philadelphia, PA Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: 0011 Bells12 Chillpower Chimpoozle Hopelessbleakdespair Logamuffin LPerson76 Micahmj11 PhillyCrow Sapphirebullets Sbr117 Selfcallednowhere TDK The thing Theyonderbluecanary Yomoneyboat

2023-01-12 Union Transfer
(Featuring all of Flood)
Philadelphia, PA Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Arbitropia Beanmom Bells12 Chillpower Chimpoozle Doktorworm Dr-exmedic Hopelessbleakdespair James.K.Folk Micahmj11 Selfcallednowhere TDK Yomoneyboat

2023-01-13 Bowery Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
New York, NY Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: BlueCanary Brianwlevine CapitalQ Dave1dmarx Derek Denim Ferreteers Indie Cysion J2 Kayakcup Kermit1234 Kevin713 Lucy Mrsbluebeard Museumofidiots Octoflange Rockmarooned Rosefox Selfcallednowhere TDK Teddyleevin Tmbgdanfan Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2023-01-14 Bowery Ballroom
(Featuring Flood & songs from Mink Car)
New York, NY Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: BlueCanary CapitalQ Corey Craighecht Dave1dmarx Derek Denim Ferreteers Hopelessbleakdespair Indie Cysion Mister Charisma Mrsbluebeard Rockmarooned Selfcallednowhere Slightlyoffaxis TDK The Bear Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2023-01-15 Bowery Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
New York, NY Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: BlueCanary CapitalQ Derek Denim Eitingon Ferreteers Indie Cysion J2 JerryTheSkids Metaldirtnskin Mister Charisma Museumofidiots Selfcallednowhere Tmbgdanfan Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2023-03-07 The National
(Featuring all of Flood)
Richmond, VA Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Bdluejay JeffersonWolfe Jimmyzenshins311 Markmeadows MincedOaths Minimumwage Rabbit

2023-03-08 The Ritz
(Featuring all of Flood)
Raleigh, NC Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Auburn-Cat043 Chesspieceface Culled DiscardedFalderal Hifivesoup Number1pinkalbumenjoyer Oldbie RabbiVole Stellub Superchime TheManWithManyNames WerewolfEmerson

2023-03-10 The Orange Peel
(Featuring all of Flood)
Asheville, NC Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Brnt Bryce DitzyKat Hifivesoup Lint Superchime Syzslak Vwfreak42

2023-03-11 The Eastern
(Featuring all of Flood)
Atlanta, GA Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Harleyharhar Lange17 Lincoln LPerson76 Minerwerks Moonpuppis Obsessical StudioBueno TMBGMoney Toothpaste TrunkleBob Vespero Wildstorkmel

2023-03-12 Charleston Music Hall
(Featuring all of Flood)
Charleston, SC Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Brody EmanresU Exit12 Isopod400 MajinTrunkz Münsterlander747 Smokun TheyCallMeDrVerm Wbrimley

2023-03-14 Jannus Landing
(Featuring all of Flood)
St. Petersburg, FL Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Bag0fGroceries Derek Denim Jfailes Minerwerks Oliveirach Pet name Ruby52986

2023-03-15 Culture Room
(Featuring all of Flood)
Fort Lauderdale, FL Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: FunnyNoble Oliveirach Selfcallednowhere

2023-03-16 Culture Room
(Featuring all of Flood)
Fort Lauderdale, FL Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Kaylum Oliveirach

2023-03-17 Beacham Theater
(Featuring all of Flood)
Orlando, FL Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Bangs CJSF Hazzenkockle HenriekeG Hong64 Kerimaus MisterMe Nevermouse Oliveirach Pysgod Redcrescentmarigold Ripner RogueLeader Selfcallednowhere Vwfreak42

2023-03-18 Ponte Vedra Concert Hall
(Featuring all of Flood)
Ponte Vedra, FL Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Ames Bangs Franchescanado Oliveirach Selfcallednowhere Strawberryfruit

2023-03-21 Iron City
(Featuring all of Flood)
Birmingham, AL Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Annadacanada Pir Selfcallednowhere StudioBueno TDK TMBGMoney

2023-03-22 Brooklyn Bowl Nashville
(Featuring all of Flood)
Nashville, TN Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Annadacanada DadPalindromeDad Disinvited Guest Exit12 FROZENHUMANRUG Muaddib RedstoneObject RyRy Selfcallednowhere TDK Thegreatpuma

2023-03-23 Brooklyn Bowl Nashville
(Featuring all of Flood)
Nashville, TN Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Annadacanada Disinvited Guest Exit12 FROZENHUMANRUG RyRy Selfcallednowhere TDK Yahrdme

2023-03-24 The Athenaeum Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Columbus, OH Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: "M-" Chasing my Tail D99 Disinvited Guest FeatherMaze Itscharleyb Jesspieceface LemonEgg Pygmoid Schmenny Scoobit9 Stinkerbell Thatmightbeaiden

2023-03-25 Madison Theater
(Featuring all of Flood)
Covington, KY Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: "M-" B33-1N-Y0UR-B0NN3T Chessp1eceface Cubmaster938 Disinvited Guest Evillincoln HatsOffToH Itscharleyb Jesspieceface LilAsbestos Mosesofthecows Mr. Klaw Out of Xenia SamSammySamuel ScreamingArgonaut Sonyar Truthorsandwiches Yui Uzuki

2023-03-26 Egyptian Room at Old National Centre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Indianapolis, IN Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: 24HR-COFFEE Akcroap B33-1N-Y0UR-B0NN3T Disinvited Guest Exit12 Graywest IMBDave Lily Borb Norba ParticleManMRB Sagelikesgiants Stymie317 Tsunani WickedPissaLittleGuy

2023-04-12 Humphreys Concerts By The Bay
(Featuring all of Flood)
San Diego, CA Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Duende FallenOutWithMyHead FrankEinstein Kakenrip Laplacez angel Mailman-zero Muse 2 My Insatiable One RakoonCD Selfcallednowhere StrangelyUnknown

2023-04-13 Humphreys Concerts By The Bay
(Featuring all of Flood)
San Diego, CA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Created A Madman Da3ve DistopioSmashedtobits Duende FallenOutWithMyHead FloridaFlamingoGirl Kakenrip My Insatiable One Pandaman Selfcallednowhere

2023-04-14 Wiltern Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Los Angeles, CA Attendance (31) 31 wikians attended: AcceptedSugar Arben Big Big Boredom Broken Accordion Ciphesed DisguisedAxolotl DistopioSmashedtobits Duende Emilime FallenOutWithMyHead FloridaFlamingoGirl FrankEinstein Friendbone Gabeswarr Gwiffon JMightBeGiants Kakenrip Linksworth Mrquizzical My Insatiable One Netflixer Oldpinebox ProphetM Radjose Selfcallednowhere Sicle That would be giant Tisher Trainman TVsKyle Yankamerica

2023-04-15 The Fillmore
(Featuring all of Flood)
San Francisco, CA Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Aceyyy Andersonic1970 Brian miller DominEl Duende Fossilizer Freakflag Gerry JMightBeGiants Kerimaus Netflixer Pweent Selfcallednowhere

2023-04-16 Fox Theater
(Featuring all of Flood)
Oakland, CA Attendance (20) 20 wikians attended: Aceyyy Andersonic1970 Android Bobrk Brian miller Brianwc ColorOfInfinity DistopioSmashedtobits DominEl Duende Fossilizer Freakflag Hazzenkockle JMightBeGiants Kerimaus Netflixer Qaccuzii Selfcallednowhere The Vanishing Dot They-might-be-tortoise

2023-04-18 Crystal Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
Portland, OR Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Antgeth Cam rock Cowtown DominEl Freakflag IseeL John-311 Metaldirtnskin Missing hed Raven Selfcallednowhere Tolerablier Valerie

2023-04-19 Crystal Ballroom
(Featuring Flood & songs from Mink Car)
Portland, OR Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Antgeth Cowtown DominEl Freakflag John-311 Mandalyn Missing hed Raven Selfcallednowhere Squin Tolerablier Valerie

2023-04-20 Neptune Theatre
(Featuring Flood & songs from Mink Car)
Seattle, WA Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Brianstorm Catpuppet DominEl Lithium junkie Onlyobsessed Selfcallednowhere Super Martyo Brother Valerie

2023-04-21 Neptune Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Seattle, WA Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Catpuppet DominEl Freakflag Onlyobsessed Selfcallednowhere Theymightbelesbians Valerie Wally Brando

2023-04-22 Commodore Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
Vancouver, BC Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Blewnote Charlie5L Mctrmt Oobug Selfcallednowhere Super Martyo Brother Tyrelpetersmask

2023-05-10 The Depot
(Featuring all of Flood)
Salt Lake City, UT Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: FallenOutWithMyHead IAmTheFamousMrKlaw Jworkin MadnessFromMars Mbarlowm Mrb8s TheGuardianOfPineapple Theunknowable Zando95 Zomnker

2023-05-11 The Ogden Theatre
(Featuring all of Flood)
Denver, CO Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Bonhomhongon Einarfour FluffySciKitten IMBDave Moe.bush Oilybastard This Microphone

2023-05-12 Boulder Theater
(Featuring all of Flood)
Boulder, CO Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Einarfour FluffySciKitten Moe.bush Oilybastard This Microphone

2023-05-13 Washington's
(Featuring all of Flood)
Fort Collins, CO Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Cakebrunch Einarfour FluffySciKitten Moe.bush This Microphone

2023-05-14 The Bourbon
(Featuring all of Flood)
Lincoln, NE Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Chessp1eceface Matt Osborn ParticleManMRB Truthorsandwiches

2023-05-16 The Truman
(Featuring all of Flood)
Kansas City, MO Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Catpuppet Chriscost0318 Hauntedcandlesh0p LatecomerSynapse Mrsbluebeard OldManWithers PezJunkie

2023-05-18 Cain’s Ballroom
(Featuring all of Flood)
Tulsa, OK Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: BlindGuy Disinvited Guest Earthlingplant FrizzotheClown JamHeronArk Jeppster Mrsbluebeard Robot Parade SavoirSpy Subliminal Pinkness96 SubliminalJK Thomas sleepybones

2023-05-19 House of Blues
(Featuring all of Flood)
Dallas, TX Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Amberdew Aububuh Cheetahsweater Disinvited Guest Eagonwild Handment Lepidoptera Consumer Mikiruma Mrsbluebeard Nehushtan Pizzaremix The Lump Tixixis

2023-05-20 House of Blues
(Featuring all of Flood)
Houston, TX Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: ACupOfCoffee B33-1N-Y0UR-B0NN3T Bigdadyjosh Disinvited Guest Lepidoptera Consumer Mrsbluebeard NBowl Nehushtan Terminator46man

2023-05-21 ACL Live at The Moody Theater
(Featuring all of Flood)
Austin, TX Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: Amberdew Disinvited Guest Iheartbathroom Imboss5 Inunaota4a MashMaster Mistercpf Mrsbluebeard Nitronine RatherDashing Thestrasburg Westbaymonument

2023-07-06 Tree House Brewing Company South Deerfield, MA Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: "M-" Automatedplayer Chriscam84 FROZENHUMANRUG Funatic Itscharleyb Jesspieceface Kayakcup Kevin Malsbury NeatStringer Noodleneck Riptor3000 SaddleBag Sandyjoys TDK The View-Monster WithoutABoxInside Zucchinise

2023-07-07 Garde Arts Center New London, CT Attendance (21) 21 wikians attended: "M-" Apostrophe T Bells12 Bleachyids CapitalQ Craighecht Distantantenna Edeadguy Ferreteers FROZENHUMANRUG Hash-mash Itscharleyb Jesspieceface Pugley RecipeForDisaster Rsreale Sandyjoys SlackerMagician Supervisedihitmyhead TDK Wireless mike

2023-07-08 Pleasantville Music Festival Pleasantville, NY Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: "M-" Ferreteers Fresthered FROZENHUMANRUG Hopelessbleakdespair Itscharleyb Jadasse Jane is your Vietnam Jesspieceface Leecookson Lukehennisch Nulldogmas Sapphirebullets SlackerMagician Tsyndrome

2023-07-14 Belly Up Solana Beach, CA Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Broken Accordion Creepypizza FrankEinstein Garit Kakenrip Kerimaus Ovenmitt

2023-07-15 Belly Up Solana Beach, CA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: DisguisedAxolotl DistopioSmashedtobits Gwiffon Kakenrip Kerimaus Kevin713 My Insatiable One Ovenmitt ParticleMeg Sam562562

2023-07-16 The Hollywood Bowl
(Opening for Sparks)
Los Angeles, CA Attendance (24) 24 wikians attended: Akcroap Arben BlueCanary CapitalQ Creepypizza Dave1dmarx DisguisedAxolotl DistopioSmashedtobits DominEl FrankEinstein Freakflag Kakenrip Kerimaus Kevin713 My Insatiable One Oliveirach Ovenmitt Pandaman SpaceHydra Tgies Tisher Trainman Westbaymonument Yankamerica


  • The UK, Ireland and Australia shows originally scheduled for October and November of 2023 were postponed and rescheduled to October and November 2024, due to unspecified health issues.
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