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16 wikians attended: Beer Gynt BlueCanary Esjaygee Favrite FoF404 Garybot KristenDee Minrice2099 Mttrader Mungo32 NoodleGuy Onikoroshi Ripner Rsreale Tisher Tom117
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- Recap from the AV Club
- Flickr gallery and Write-up by BlueCanary
- Sneaking Intro
- Subliminal
- The Famous Polka
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
- Celebration
- Snail Shell
- Why Does The Sun Really Shine?
- Clap Your Hands
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- The Guitar
- Ana Ng
- Battle For The Planet Of The Apes
- Dead
- Don't Let's Start
- Damn Good Times
- You Probably Get That A Lot
- Crazy Train
- Spoiler Alert (performed by The Avatars Of They)
- Free Ride
- Cloisonné
- Alphabet Of Nations
- Particle Man
- Careful What You Pack
- Withered Hope
- Band Intros
- The Mesopotamians
Encore 1:
Encore 2:
They Might Be Giants
— with Gold Motel opening —
Pabst Theater in Milwaukee, WI
October 28, 2011 at 8:30 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- My fourth show now, and probably my favorite. Lets get a couple of memorable quotes out of the way:
- "They Might Be Giants: Delivering disappointment since 1982." (Flans before Why Does The Sun Really Shine?)
- "We're not going to teach you how to clap your hands, people. We don't have that kind of time!" (Flans during the The Future Of Sound break of The Guitar)
- Amazing show. Favorite stage banter: "We're indoorsmen. We're two with nature." (Linnell, after a brief discussion of the world series results)
- The whole band appeared outside of the venue following the show, so I was able to get a set list signed by all five of them (Danny was the last to sign it, and when I told him this he was shocked. "Even Linnell?" Yes, even Linnell), as well as a signed drum head from Marty and a picture with Linnell. You can see the photo album with all of these here.
- Thanks for making me wish I stayed longer. :P You should scan that setlist (or at least take a slightly clearer picture) and <a href="/wiki/index.php?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile=2011-10-28b Setlist.jpg" target="_blank">upload it</a>! — minrice2099 (talk|contribs|shows)
- Uploaded! Check it out at the top of the page. Don't know where else it should be put around the site - I'm new to this wiki-ing thing. - KristenDee
- That's exactly where it should be; don't worry about putting it anywhere else (well maybe on your user page, but that's up to you...). By the way, I was that tall guy standing behind you for most of the concert. I think I audio-bombed some of your recordings (e.g., Alphabet of Nations); I think I can hear my voice. Sorry about that! XD — minrice2099 (talk|contribs|shows)