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8 wikians attended: Afterward BlindGuy BlueCanary Garybot Paradoxicalwaffles Particleman The stolker TMBGdotLOVE
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- Flickr gallery and Write-up by BlueCanary
- Celebration
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
- Why Does The Sun Shine?
- Snail Shell
- Fingertips
- Why Does The Sun Really Shine?
- Clap Your Hands
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- The Guitar
- Ana Ng
- Withered Hope
- Battle For The Planet Of The Apes
- Damn Good Times
- Dead
- You Probably Get That A Lot
- Cyclops Rock
- Crazy Train
- Epic Fail Baloney Sandwiches Jingle performed by The Avatars of They
- Spoiler Alert performed by The Avatars of They
- Free Ride
- Cloisonné
- Alphabet Of Nations
- Particle Man
- Careful What You Pack
- Band Intros
- The Mesopotamians
Encore 2
They Might Be Giants
— with Gold Motel opening —
Englert Theatre in Iowa City, IA
October 30, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- Even though it was the night before Halloween, hardly anyone was in costume. Disappointing.
- That was the only disappointing part, though. This show was miles ahead of their last Iowa City appearance in 2007 (which was a little disappointing). This show was great. What can I remember?
- Gold Motel did not appear. [Okay, okay, maybe Gold Motel did appear. Maybe the show really was at 7:00 and not 7:30 like I thought.]
- "The heat and light of the sun are caused by the nuclear reactions between:
- "Marty Beller on the drums.
- "Danny Weinkaupf on the bass and Dan Miller on the guitar.
- "And the ladies."
- I think, or I want to believe, that when Fingertips got to "I'm Having A Heart Attack" and Flans did his "girl you know it's true" thing, he actually kneeled on the stage in a Shakespearean demonstration of emotion. I might have imagined this though.
- They played The Guitar! Oh my gosh! The extended outro went into an audience participation thing where we were encouraged to chant "The bass! The bass! The bass" something something, I couldn't hear. The outro continued to extend beyond that part, until it became Ana Ng.
- Battle For The Planet Of The Apes went as described at the page for the Boulder show, including the flashlight, People winning, and Apes getting a little consolation/encouragement later on. It was noted that People outnumbered Apes slightly, but Linnell pointed out that Apes had "the hairiness factor" going for them.
- Cardboard Cut-Out Meg Ryan appeared in the intro for the Avatars of They. The Avatars proceeded to shill this "Epic Fail Baloney Sandwiches" side-business that They've got going.
- Meg Ryan was credited in the outro, too, but the camera was pointed instead at the cut-out of William Allen White.
- I think How Can I Sing Like A Girl? was just John, John, and the accordion. I don't think Flansburgh even played guitar. Again, maybe I am incorrect.
- Also like Boulder, Iowa City was noted for its high SAT scores. We also got our requisite Midwest ribbing when Flans said we could buy a giant-sized Join Us poster to put on "a friend's grain silo." Everyone yelled out that (because we are in Iowa) it should be a corn silo; Flans admitted he knew nothing about silos.
- He also mentioned that Their tour bus, with its individual coffin-shaped sleeping compartments, used to belong to Slipknot, which I assume was an Iowa-specific detail.
- Linnell "looked up the lyrics" (I think this was an act) to Marty Beller Mask on his phone, saying that they played it live for the first time at the previous show, and it didn't get the right reaction because people couldn't understand the words. So he read the first two lines out loud before the song started. I'm fairly certain that during the bridge he sang "...and I get his skin," not "...and I get his skins."
- I think the Istanbul outro is getting longer. I felt like there were more fake-out endings than on live versions I'd heard before.
- Between Snail Shell; Dead; Lie Still, Little Bottle; and We're The Replacements, there seemed to be an sizable contingent of less-expected early numbers. And they were all great!
Just wanted to point out that Gold Motel did in fact appear and played the same set they did the two prior nights.
This was my first live TMBG show! ALso, confirming Gold Motel played. I talked to Greta at the merch table and bought their CD. She was delightful.