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13 wikians attended: Aliste Andersonic1970 Brian miller Covenant Dgursom DominEl Eviltikimonkey Gene Warren Kerimaus Lexpierce My Insatiable One Pulletsforever ToastedWoobie
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- Stompy Intro
- Older
- Subliminal
- Doctor Worm
- Drink!
- Never Knew Love
- Damn Good Times
- We're The Replacements
- XTC Vs. Adam Ant
- Battle For The Planet Of The Apes
Flood set (played in reverse order):
- Road Movie To Berlin
- They Might Be Giants
- Sapphire Bullets Of Pure Love
- Women & Men
- Hot Cha
- Whistling in the Dark
- Letterbox
- Minimum Wage
- Hearing Aid
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
- Crazy Train
- Paranoid performed by The Avatars Of They
- Spoiler Alert performed by The Avatars Of They
- Paranoid (Instrumental)
- We Want A Rock
- Twisting
- Particle Man
- Your Racist Friend
- Dead
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
- Lucky Ball & Chain
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Theme From Flood
Encore 1:
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
- Band Intros
- Fingertips
Encore 2:
- How Can I Sing Like A Girl? (John & John only)
- When Will You Die
They Might Be Giants
— with Jonathan Coulton opening —
The Fillmore in San Francisco, CA
November 13, 2011 at 8:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
This show included the first live performance of "Paranoid".
Dave Gursom:
- What a great show!! The best of the four times I've seen them. Coulton is the perfect opener for TMBG, and he and his band were excellent.
- They Might Be Giants were wall-to-wall awesome. A wonderful selection of songs, and it was so great to hear all the deep cuts from Flood done live and done so well. The Avatars Of They put on a fantastic half-time show; I loved the way they twisted the vibe of the evening. I hope to see more of them. And the icing on the cake was Fingertips! I was totally hoping for that. Thanks guys!!!