User:Magbatz/Album Themes

From This Might Be A Wiki

We created a list of what seemed to be the common threads between songs and compiled the themes that John and John return to over and over, consciously or not, and have the theme pages to show the results.

I want to see if there's anything to learn from taking this "data" and seeing which themes actually come up the most and in what ways - specifically on an album-by-album basis. I'll admit I don't know if it will be worthwhile or enlightening to see how albums vary in thematic concentration, but lucky for me, I'm bored enough to find out anyway. I'm sure there will be a bunch of stuff to sort through once I actually get the "data" and try to make something of it, but whatever.

Just now I did this for the Pink Album just to see if this is worth doing, and happily some of it actually makes sense - I'd expect on this release from my own feelings on the album for there to be a good amount of songs referencing the music industry, and sure enough there's a good amount of songs listed under music and References To Other Songs Or Musicians. Anyway, I'll stop talking because I really just wanted this page as a sandbox to look at the junk:

They Might Be Giants (1986)[edit]

Things to Consider:

  • Not sure yet what I'll do with the single-themed listings (probably just chop em off)
  • Maybe I'll group together those themes that have more in common (again, Music and Music Reference; Occupations and Aversion to Work)
  • What to do with the non-thematic themes (KOL Reference)?
  • Oh and I'll probably want to have a listing of which 10 songs have Transportation, etc.
  • Should I be doing something special with things like Recycled Material and Self-Reference - in which each item might not be treated the same (in S-E, we group together songs referencing themselves as well as songs referencing TMBG; in Recycled Material there's a big difference between a song that was cannibalized later and a song that's recycling another).
  • Should considerations as "central themes" be weighted differently from mere mentions of something in a song? (I'm guessing the big occurrence of Transportation just has a lot of little mentions)
  • To what degree will I be changing this from a nice, data-oriented survey of song themes to a personal qualitative study of album themes if I begin tweaking such aspects to make things feel like they "fit" more?

Lincoln (1988)[edit]

Flood (1990)[edit]


Venue Songs (2004)[edit]

And if you have any ideas for directions to take with this (looking at these three albums' numbers has made me think differently about this just now even), definitely feel free to talk to me about it or add your suggestions.

The Else (2007)[edit]

  • not included: single-song themes.

i suppose the else is both rather short and relatively new for there to be lots of themes, but this is at least approximate. --ant 01:22, 15 June 2009 (UTC)

The Spine (2004)[edit]