War, Military
From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs referring to war, armies, fighting, state sponsored violence, etc.
Central theme[edit]
- The Army's Tired Now
- Black Ops
- Brainwashing Our Fighting Boys
- Call Connected Thru The NSA
- I'm Impressed
- Judy Is Your Viet Nam
- Julie's Tune
- One More Parade
- Pencil Rain - In addition to lyrical themes, the song is set to a march-like tempo
- Thankful For Your Service
Briefly mentioned[edit]
- The Bloodmobile - The verse about the white blood cells, complete with war drums in the background
- Bread Hair - "'Cause they had a useless battle and'll never stop"
- Certain People I Could Name - "The few surviving samurai survey the battlefield"
- The Day - "Biplanes bombed with fluffy pillows"
- Flansy Stays In The Picture - "I didn't live through three world wars to be buried alive in my own bullshit."
- It Could Be Worse - "Gallows Hill and Andersonville"
- James K. Polk - "Lewis Cass, a general", "He seized the whole Southwest from Mexico"
- The Shadow Government - "Here comes the Humvee"
- Sometimes A Lonely Way - "Taken alive in an uncivil war"
- This Microphone - "Who wins that war?"
- The Velvet Ape - "The Velvet Ape declares war"
- Tractor - "The eye of a merchant marine"
- Up The Junction - "Her mother's with a solider"
- Wait Actually Yeah No - "World War I, the western front"
- Walk On Water - "I fought a thousand battles"
- You Probably Get That A Lot - "Or melting down some army guys to make green tea"