From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs referencing politics.
Central theme[edit]
- 4 Years Of Norm Breaking - A Question In Song
- Black Ops
- Born To Run And Fail
- California Über Alles
- Call Connected Thru the NSA
- The Communists Have The Music
- David Dinkins
- Dear Dead Congressman
- DeWitt Clinton
- Fernando Wood
- Fiorello LaGuardia
- Gab On
- Grassroots Internet Revolution
- House Of Mayors
- If Day For Winnipeg
- James K. Polk
- John Purroy Mitchel
- Lake Monsters
- No Country In Europe
- One Man One Vote
- Rowboat Mayor - also, "The nautical council held a deposition"
- The Shadow Government
- State Of The Union
- Thankful For Your Service - About the 3rd Amendment to the US Constitution
- Tippecanoe And Tyler Too
- Vote Or Don't
- Who Are The Electors?
Briefly mentioned[edit]
- Brooklyn - "He's borough president..."
- Clap Your Hands (Live Almanac) - "Stand up for the national anthem!" and "The next president of the United States - On the drums - Mr. Marty Beller!"
- He's Loco - "I vote for Eisenhower in every election", "If more people had guns, we would all be safer"
- It Was A Very Good Year - Maggie Thatcher & the Trilateral Commission
- My Evil Twin - "Who cut the arm off the voodoo doll / That resembles a Republican president from long ago"
- Negative Ad - "Who can stop They Might Be Giants and their liberal rock agenda?"
- Social Media - "Opinions" and "views"
- Sold My Mind To The Kremlin - "Reagan closed the hospital for the mentally ill..."
- Vestibule - "Senator Arlen Specter is waiting outside in the car..."
- Walk On Water - "No government / No CIA / Can slow me down or get in my way"
- Your Racist Friend - "I know politics bore you..."
Honorable mention[edit]
- The Else and I Like Fun - While not overtly political, the Johns have confirmed that their views (and frustrations) surrounding the events in US politics at the time of the albums' development subconsciously shaped the albums' tone and subject matter.
- Future Soundtrack For America