Swear Words
From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs that contain swear words, or otherwise refer to swearing.
- 1999 - Cowtown Medley - "Damn you"
- Agent Double-0-Soul - "Damn! Check this shit out." and "When I say 'Jeremy Chatzky', you say 'hell yeah!'"
- Alienation's For The Rich - "You know that that's a bitch"
- Bastard Wants To Hit Me
- Best Of Spin The Dial - "I'm so fuckin' old" and "What the fuck is wrong with me?"
- Cage & Aquarium - "Damned if you know who it is"
- Can't Keep Johnny Down - "All of the dicks in this dick town" and "...to flip off the guy"
- Car Alarms - "They say we can't make it in the country 'cause our shit is too extreme"
- Clap Your Hands (Live Almanac) - "Oh, shit..."
- Countdown Intro - "Professor Psychofuckup"
- Damn Good Times
- Dimension Six Rock - "Just bring your spirit and your funky ass"
- Disappointing Show - "Get your shit together"
- The Everlasting Vibe - "Mean-ass bouncers"
- Everybody Conga - "I'm not fucking kidding"
- Flansy Stays In The Picture - "I didn't live through three world wars to be buried alive in my own bullshit..."
- Freebird - In Flansburgh's message at the end: "...but the machine's been fucked up for the past week"
- Hearing Aid (Dial-A-Song) - "'Cause I'm not as fucked up as I want to be"
- I Beat The Wiz - "I beat the shit out of him"
- I Palindrome I - "You son of a bitch"
- Impossibly New - "Throwing rocks and flipping birds"
- It Never Fails - "The devil's in the goddamn psychological details."
- Let Me Tell You About My Operation - "I'll sleep the whole damn day"
- Letterbox Intro - "JL: Fuck y'all!" and "JF: Fuck all y'all!"
- Mainstream U.S.A. - "I flipped that guy the bird"
- The Mesopotamians - "Half believing there will sometime come a day someone gives a damn..."
- No Left Turn - "He owes me some of that shit, man"
- Open Space 2 - "What- What the FUCK is gonna happen without Napster?" & "That's a shitty job."
- People Are Wrong! - "Damn! Rewind" and "Get up off your city ass"
- Puppets Gonna Fuck You Up
- Right Before Showtime - "Hour eight: Jesus Christ", "Hour sixteen: Fuck"
- Santa Cruz - "This one is kind of a collision of our art fuck background and the skateboard part of this town. Combined." is said in the pre-song banter
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future Commentary - "You're such an ass"
- The Shitty, Shitty Blues
- Songs - "God damn songs"
- Sorry I Fucked Up The Show
- Spin The Country Dial - "If you don't like country music, you can kiss my ass, kiss my ass" and "If you don't like country music, fuck you"
- This Damn Band
- Toddler Hiway (First Album Live) - "The fuck?" and "Fuck those guys" are said in the pre-song banter
- Tubthumping - "Pissin' the night away"
- Twisting (Demo) - "...for bitchin' and for moanin'"
- Very Important - "Your friend can't pickup the goddamn phone"
- When The Lights Come On - "But we'll be laughing and shit"
- Xanthus Fucked Us
- Your Ass Or A Hole In The Ground
- You're On Fire - "Oh damn"
- Your Mom's Alright - "Your ass is grass and I'm a lawnmower"
- Your Racist Friend (Dial-A-Song 2) - "Listen to some bullet-head and the bullshit that he's sayin'"
Honorable Mentions[edit]
- Daily Beans Theme - "News, with swearing"
- Starry Eyes - "The writ has hit the fan"
- Why Did You Grow A Beard? - "What the Christ? What the devil?" and the "freedom-loving, sister-hugging, screaming, yelling" line makes it seem like the singer keeps on wanting to swear, but always makes himself stop just short...
- Los Angeles (Studio)- At around 2:00 in the music video, the subtitle for “Rebel Rocker” is “Kicking ass and taking names since 2001”