Spoken Word
From This Might Be A Wiki
(Redirected from Talking, Not Singing)
Songs in which plain, amusical speech and/or conversation take place. (Not including digressions during live performances.)
Entire Song[edit]
- 3 Chords, 2 Teeth, 1 Eye
- '85 Radio Special Thank You
- A To Z
- A To Z (Type B)
- Anecdote
- Confusing The Mind
- Critic Intro
- Dan Hickey's Actual Drums
- Distant Antenna
- Doris Cunningham
- The Extended Spider Intro
- Flansy Stays In The Picture
- Gloria Says "Blast Her Out"
- Gloria Says "This Guy's A Nut"
- Hidden Track
- Kids Are Different Now (Spoken Word)
- Kitten Intro
- Lesson 16
- Letter/Not A Letter
- Live In Nashville
- Mario Speaks
- Negative Ad
- Preamble: Fernando Wood
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future Commentary
- To The Bubblecraft!
- Trucker's Coffee
- Turtle Songs Of North America
- Untitled
- Village Gate Concert Promo
From the Venue Songs DVD
- "A Concrete Shrine"
- "An Oasis Of Hooch"
- "And So"
- Goodbye From The Deranged Millionaire
- Greeting From The Deranged Millionaire
- "Monongahela"
- "Paradoxically"
- "Returning To The U.S."
- "Skee-ball And Saltwater Taffy"
- "The Experiment Begins"
- "The Great Walled City"
- "The Tour Nearly Over"
- "You Can't Go Home Again"
Entire Sections[edit]
- Alphabet Lost And Found - "On this fateful day, in the history of whenever", "Crowds of people, animals, and incomplete words..." , humorous shouting during the chorus
- The Bloodboat - Announcing the bloodboat at the beginning and in the middle of the song
- The Bloodmobile - "Somebody's got to haul out the trash..."
- C Is For Conifers - "There are so many different kinds of conifer trees..."
- Can You Find It?
- Celebration - The intro to this song is spoken by John Flansburgh.
- Chip The CHiP - "Alright, pull it over! Do you know why I stopped you? Cause I thought maybe you could tell me why I stopped you."
- Chopping Block Testimonial - The intro to this song is spoken by John Flansburgh.
- Circular Karate Chop - "Three rules from your sensei..."
- Complete Paranoia - "This is a crybaby song..."
- D & W - "W, you think you're so great..."
- D Is For Drums - Begins with a conversation "Hey John. Oh, hey John." and ends with one, too. "Well, I'm glad we got that straight..."
- Dedicated - "October 17th: Stayed inside..."
- The Edison Museum (Wax Cylinder) - Begins with "The Edison Museum, performed by They Might Be Giants, Nicholas Hill vocal, made at Edison Laboratories."
- Elephants - "Did you hear about the farmer, who had a house built in Sri Lanka?..."
- Here Come The ABCs (DVD Version)
- Hey, Man. I Saw Your Band. - "Hey, this is John of They Might Be Giants..."
- House Of Mayors - "George Finby! Alexander Whigmore! Patrick O'Barr! Conrad Spectacle! Carl Van Krieg! Antonio Botton!"
- I Am A Paleontologist - "Is it a T-rex? Maybe a Triceratops? Or a Carnotaur? Pachycephalosaurus?"
- I Am A Robot - "Hello."
- I Am A Robot (Type B) - "Oh, hello."
- I Can Add - "Alright, two plus one is three, three plus one is four, and four plus one is five! I'm gettin' it! I'm gettin' good at this!"
- John Lee Supertaster - The introductory part: "When I was 39 years old, I heard a story..."
- Lines Upon A Tranquil Brow - The first verse
- Mr. Klaw - "A claw is a claw..."
- Nine Bowls Of Soup - "Woah Woah WOAH" "If I tell you what these are for, then will you stop bothering me?...", "Nine bowls of soup arranged a certain way..."
- S-E-X-X-Y - "Dressed only in clothes..."
- Snowball In Hell - Starts with "I didn't expect to find a salesman drinking coffee this late in the morning."
- Then The Kids Took Over - Spoken word bridge
- The Velvet Ape - "The year is 1970ld..."
- We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime - Begins with "Hi, this is John of They Might Be Giants...", also with "Again" at the end of the song
- Why Does The Sun Shine? - "Scientists have found that the sun is a huge atom-smashing machine..."
- The World's Address (Joshua Fried Remix) - spoken phrases throughout the song.
Single Lines[edit]
- 32 Footsteps - "28, 29, 30, 31"
- Absolutely Bill's Mood - "Thank you! Thank you!"
- Alienation's For The Rich - "This song is dedicated to all you modern day troubadours out there / And I think I know who you are"
- Alphabet Of Nations - "The alphabet of nations, the alphabet of nations, the alphabet of nations!"
- Anaheim - "Goodnight, Mrs. Hitler"
- Ana Ng - "I don't want the world, I just want your half"
- Bread Hair - "That's a gone rug, buddy"
- Even Numbers - "2, 4, 6, 8"
- Fake-Believe - "Yodel-ay-he-hoo!", "That's little Lord Fauntleroy, please"
- Fake-Believe (Type B) - "4-3-2-1, blastoff!", "It's not a problem, ants are strong"
- For Science - "Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!"
- Go For G! - "Grapes, glue, gyroscopes"
- Hide Away Folk Family - The Home Astrology Report recited by John Flansburgh.
- Hot Dog! - "That's me!"
- How Many Planets? - "And a bunch of other stuff"
- I Can Add - "I don't even know spanish, but I'm gonna sing it in spanish now"
- I Can Hear You - "I Can Hear You by They Might Be Giants / Made at the Edison Laboratories"
- I Got My T-Shirt Back - "Play the bongos!"
- I'll Sink Manhattan - "Thanks a lot guys. From the NYPD. We love you." (Played in reverse.)
- L M N O - "Hello children, it's time for an important lesson with Professor Flans! This is about four letters that people sometimes confuse for one: L M N O!"
- Mr. Xcitement - "Let it be known: They Might Be Giants, Doughty, The Elegant Too: Mr. Xcitement."
- On Earth My Nina - "Here's my song."
- One Dozen Monkeys - "His name is Larry."
- Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head - "Memo to myself: Do the dumb things I gotta do. Touch the Puppet Head."
- Q U - "Quack quack, quack, quack"
- Seven - Henry Linnell and Desi Tomaselli make such statements as "I would like some cake" and "The green house at the end of the block"
- She's Actual Size - "We take you to Brooklyn."
- (She Thinks She's) Edith Head - Studio banter before the final chorus
- Spider - "I promise not to kill you"
- Why Does The Sun Shine? - Several lines, including "It is so hot that everything on it is a gas. Iron, copper, aluminum, and many others."
- Zeroes - In various parts of the song, Hannah Levine states numbers that include zeroes, for instance: "ten, one hundred, one thousand"