Religion, Supernatural
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References to God, gods, Heaven, Hell and spirits as well as supernatural, spiritual, paranormal and surreal phenomena.
Central theme[edit]
- Announcement A - a recitation of the song "Wear Your Love Like Heaven"
- Answer - the narrator posits that he is the answer to all of the prayers of the song's subject
- The Devil Went Down To Newport
- Dirt Bike - About a religious cult
- Devil Spawn
- The Fellowship Of Hell
- God's Sister Jessica
- Haunted Floating Eye
- Hell Hotel
- I Left My Body
- I'm Impressed
- Iowa
- Kiss Me, Son Of God
- Kumbaya
- Omnicorn
- Shape Shifter
- She's An Angel
- Trouble Awful Devil Evil
- Tucson
- Turn Around
- Walk On Water
- Welcome 2 Hell
- You Probably Get That A Lot
Briefly mentioned[edit]
- Au Contraire - Gandhi, spiritual leader of India
- Bad Jokes - "And all three of different ethnic backgrounds, maybe religious backgrounds"
- Birdhouse In Your Soul - "Like guardian angels it's always near"
- Bread Hair - "Use a yarmulke of challah bread if you're a Jew"
- Butcher's Tale - "If the priest he could go and see the flies"
- Crystal Fortress - "A unicorn awaits at a rainbow bridge"
- Charlottesville - "Filled with devils from the depths of hell"
- Chip The CHiP - quotes the Gospel of Matthew
- Cut The Strings - "All hell breaks loose"
- Darlin' Allison - "An angel will come and bid me welcome"
- Dead - reincarnation, "I came back as a bag of groceries"
- Dig My Grave - St. Peter
- Doctor Worm - Rabbi Vole
- Dog Walker - Draculas
- The Edison Museum - "Ghosts move up the stairs... Loyal phantoms of his in-house staff"
- Erase - "See the way the deep sea diver falls into the mermaid's arms"
- Feast Of Lights
- Finished With Lies - "[I'll] move the needle telepathically", "I'll fix it so you can't remember what was true"
- Good To Be Alive - "I'm not some mega-church style preacher / But my spirit is revived"
- Hate The Villanelle - "Tumble through Hell"
- Helicopters Of Elves - Mention of The Land of Nod, a location where Cain was exiled to in the Bible's book of Genesis
- Hodgman Promo 2 - "Or is that money the Delia needs to continue to house a coven of evil witches?"
- Hopeless Bleak Despair - "I died and went to hell but my despair had ascended to heaven"
- Hot Cha - "Prodigal son", one of Jesus' parables
- Hypnotist Of Ladies - not quite supernatural, but perhaps worthy of a mention
- I Broke My Own Rule - "Now I'm condemned to hell"
- I Lost Thursday - "It's supernatural"
- I Never Go To Work -"And Sunday is the day of rest"
- Jackie The Clipper - "God I'm tired"
- Impossibly New - "Telling tales of local vampires"
- Kitten Intro - "They Might Be Giants are not Satanists"
- Long White Beard - "Like Zeus on Mount Olympus"
- Madam, I Challenge You To A Duel - "By spirits taught to sing"
- Maine - "Maine is the heaven below", "Maine is the hell from above"
- Maryland My Maryland - "His torch is at thy temple door"
- Meet James Ensor - "the torments of Christ"
- Memphis - "I died and went to heaven"
- The Mesopotamians - Mention of Hammurabi, religious law maker of the Mesopotamian culture.
- Moonbeam Rays - Alludes to the act of placing someone under a curse
- No Answer - "The ghost of somebody who decided not to begin"
- On Earth My Nina - "God forbid a vaguer feat"
- Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head - "And I'll see you in church"; also, it's possible that "the puppet head" is a religious item.
- Quit The Circus - "There must be a way, To scare off this old ghost"
- Rabid Child - "Lord, please don't take me away"
- Reprehensible - immortal soul, reincarnation
- Right Before Showtime - "Hour eight: Jesus Christ", "It's like a miracle / It is a miracle"
- Road Movie To Berlin - "We were once so close to Heaven, Peter came out and gave us medals"
- Rock Club - "Put your hands together, get on your knees and pray"
- Roy G. Biv - "You'll never see a unicorn"
- Science Is Real - "I like the stories about angels, unicorns and elves"
- She's Actual Size - "Light beams down from Heaven"
- Snowball In Hell
- Starry Eyes - "We never asked for miracles"
- Stomp Box - "Free the demon, hear the ceaseless screaming"
- Tavern In Pinsk - "Till the savior comes, till the Mashiach comes at last"
- Teenagers Are Going - "Religion and self-knowledge"
- Three Might Be Duende - "A ghostly sight"
- Thunderbird - "You can't see heaven when you're standing tall"
- This Is Only Going To Go One Way - "A peg-leg captain's ghost", "The devil and the deep blue sea"
- Turn Around - "The ghost of my dance instructor"
- Twisting (Demo) - "She says there's a place in heaven..."
- Why Did You Grow A Beard? - "What the Christ? What the devil?"
- Worried Sleep - "By the parking lot of some church hall"
- Your Racist Friend - "Can't shake the devil's hand"
Honorable mentions[edit]
- Alphabet Lost And Found - In the music video, when they say "They're gonna have to get together", they show a lunch-box with a vampire that lost its 'V'
- Damn Good Times - Music video centers around vampires
- Hide Away Folk Family - In live concerts, the audience is told to "scream as if you're in Hell"