Nonsense Words
From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs that contain mumble jumble, scatting, or words that aren't quite real.
Central theme[edit]
- Anqui
- The Cap'm - Usually pronounced (and spelled) "cap'n", as a contraction of "captain"
- David Dinkins - Song consists entirely of variations on "Buh-diddley-doo-dop"
- Fritalian
- Lazyhead And Sleepybones
- Mr. Klaw
- Mr. Xcitement
- My Name Is Kingof Socks
- Omnicorn
- Prevenge
- Rolling O - Sung in scat by "Mr. Lips"
- Smells Like Teen Spirit - Sung in reversed gibberish
- Stuff Is Way - "Catastro-feeling good"
- Take Out The Trash (Simlish) - Sung entirely in Simlish
- Tango Distorto
- Thinking Machine
- To The Bubblecraft!
- Wake Up Call - "Bo, bo, do, bo..."
Briefly mentioned[edit]
- 32 Footsteps - "Bing bang bingalong, cing cang cingalong, ding dang dingalong day", etc.
- All Time What - "completelier", "defeatlier"
- Bee Of The Bird Of The Moth - "Catbug" and "Manhouse"
- Cloisonné - "You start gettin' all conversatin'"
- Dedicated - "Hey diddo ging gindedo d-ding gingedo go"
- Don't Let's Start - "Deputy Dawg dog a ding dang depadepa"
- Everybody To The Limit - "fhqwhgads"
- Exquisite Dead Guy - "Bupadupupupadupah"
- Hidden Track - From the "scat portion" of the song: "Skoo diedle doo diedle diedle skopple dwey / Skee deedle dee skweedle deedle dweedle dwey"
- I Palindrome I - "Man o nam"
- I'm A Little Airplane - "wangity-wang"
- Impossible - "Octofish ... octofoo, octofee ... octoflange"
- It's Kickin' In - "The disaffected waitress / In some fake foreign accent: / [fake words]"
- Lullaby To Nightmares - "That's where all the frightmares go when the elephants die"
- Moonbeam Rays - "Ah dee ah dee ah dee ay"
- Ooh La! Ooh La! - "Eensy beensy crumbleeny" and other Double Dutch-isms
- Replicant - Scatting in the chorus and throughout the song ("Doot doot doot doot")
- Rhythm Section Want Ad (Live 1985) - "Narvoooooo!"
- Rowboat Mayor - "On a steady diet of small potaters," "He's not one now and he's not one lat-or"
- Snowball In Hell - "Money I owe, money-iy-ay"
- Spider - "Coopidy coop coop cadoo"
- Spoiled Milk From A Pampered Cow - "Baa-Baa Shop"
- Swing Is A Word - "387-6962 Narrrrrrrrrr"
- Synopsis For Latecomers - "Doo doo lee doo doo lee doo doo lee do"
- Tele-Tele-Telephone - "Tikitikitikitikitiki a tik (tik!), A-tikitikitikitikitiki a tik (tik!)"
- Tigerella - "Reooowwwwww"
- The Velvet Ape - "sof"
- Working Undercover For The Man - "Sha la la la la"
Honorable mention[edit]
- Let's Get This Over With - "Can this page of strange gibberish / Get a final punctuation mark?"