From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs that involve doors in some way.
- All Alone - "But just before they closed the door"
- Asheville - "You took the good part and walked out the door"
- Counterfeit Faker - "I walked through plate glass doors"
- Dashiki Lover - "Just a wallflower 'til he came through the door"
- Destination Moon - "By front door to the taxi"
- The End Of The Tour - "You opened the door and expelled all the people"
- Hall Of Heads - "One step through the doorway"
- I Palindrome I (Dial-A-Song) - "One door shut, another one closes"
- The Lady And The Tiger - "A pair of doors, a choice"
- Lucky Ball & Chain - "There goes the bride, as she walked out the door"
- Nightgown Of The Sullen Moon - "Fell in the door, and you fell on the floor, with your hand on the knob, looking up and abruptly"
- Our Cannibal Friends - "We locked all the doors in the club here tonight"
- Reminder - "The day he stepped out the doorway"
- To All The Girls I've Loved Before - "To all the girls I've loved before, who wandered in and out my door"
- Vestibule - "That my skeleton's between doors"
- We Want A Rock - "Throw the crib door wide; let the people crawl inside"
- You Probably Get That A Lot - "...are marching past my door"
- Apartment Four - "Come knock on my door"
- Courage The Cowardly Dog - "Somebody's at the door"
- Doctor Worm - "I'll leave the front unlocked cause I can't hear the doorbell"
- The End Of The Tour - "Then came a knock on the door, which was odd"
- Hot Cha - buzzer sounds
- Now Is Strange - "I could remove my apartment buzzer"
- One Dozen Monkeys - "And the postman rang the doorbell to deliver a package"
- Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head - "There's a pounding at the door"
- Seven - "Oh there's the doorbell / Let's see who's out there"
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective - "If there's a knock on the door, boy, forget about it!"
- When It Rains It Snows - "There's a knock on the door that I adore"
- Your Own Worst Enemy - "Ringing the bell at the door"
Other mentions[edit]
- 9 Secret Steps - "To the key to the door"
- Aaa - "What's behind the door"
- Alphabet Lost And Found - "Prefixes and suffixes, door number two"
- Always Coca-Cola - "Piled up outside my door"
- Ampersand - "Words whispered through a door"
- Call You Mom - "I see you moving towards the door"
- Car Alarms - "...leavin' the doors unlocked"
- Climbing The Walls - "Don't call me back; I won't get the door"
- Dog - "Now he spends his time staring at the door"
- Doom Doom - "Lor Lor, there's a weapon at your door"
- Door To Door Minotaur
- The Edison Museum - "Behind a wooden door, the voice of Thomas Alva"
- Feel Good Sublet - "Don't use the stove, refrigerator, or door"
- Hide Away Folk Family - "Tippy-toe to the front door, Mother"
- I Am Alone - "Mirror on the bathroom door"
- I Can't Remember The Dream - "The key to a door to a world like that"
- Idaho - "Air blowing 'cross my door"
- It Never Fails - "Her bathroom has no door"
- Let Me Tell You About My Operation - "Ground floor, screen door"
- Mainstream U.S.A. - "And these are the rules that he told the fellow next door"
- Mrs. Cinderella - "Please don't knock down my door"
- No Cops - "Hello to the door"
- Out Of Jail - "Long before the screen door slammed"
- Quit The Circus - "To prop the door closed"
- Sketchy Galore - "Sketchy Galore stands in the hall outside my door"
- Sometimes A Lonely Way - "We can see it now, the scratches on the back of your door"
- The Summer Breeze - "The very same door handle they spoke of..."
- Take Out The Trash - "Tell me what bad deal's gonna close that door"
- Towson - "I slammed my finger in the car door by accident"
- Trap Door - "I was told there was a trap door somewhere on this stage, and we're gonna find it right now"
Honorable mention[edit]
- Kitchen Door - Song on a rumored 1984 Demo Tape