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- Sammy Intro
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (John & John only)
- You're On Fire
- Clap Your Hands
- When Will You Die
- Letterbox
- Tesla
- Rhythm Section Want Ad
- Damn Good Times
- Call You Mom
- Youth Culture Killed My Dog
- Ana Ng
- Paranoid
- He's Loco (performed by The Avatars Of They)
- How Can I Sing Like A Girl?
- Doctor Worm
- Alienation's For The Rich
- Battle For The Planet Of The Apes
- Black Ops (rockin' version)
- Cloisonné
- Icky
- Nanobots
- New York City
- Birdhouse in Your Soul
Encore 2
They Might Be Giants
— with Moon Hooch opening —
Stubb's in Austin, TX
October 22, 2013 at 7:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- Got in the door a little after 8pm, too late to see Moon Hooch - Flansburgh remarked that they had a strict "Curfew" during the show and I'm guessing that meant the show had to start right after the doors opened.
- Excellent PA, excellent sound. Good lights. Less projections than last time.
- That rendition of Istanbul Not Constantinople that devolved into echoing throat-clearing noises. I'd always hoped I'd get to see them do that song as a two-piece instead of with the band I really really got what I was looking for.
- The introduction to Tesla was drawn out with a very long bit of banter that started with Flansburgh's insistence that Tesla is not pronounced "Tezla" as people have taken to pronouncing it. Linnell then went into a bizarre story about how apparently some of the guys in Moon Hooch had met a guy "somewhere between here and Pensacola" who had built a perpetual motion machine based on actual Tesla blueprints. While insisting that perpetual motion is real, Flansburgh began to mime smoking a bong.
- Lyrics in He's Loco were changed to "I vote for Ted Cruz in every election" - lots and lots of laughing at and especially "If we all had guns we'd all be safer" - I think the band also brought up bitcoins a little later down the line.
- They began to introduce How Can I Sing Like A Girl as though it were a track off of John Henry before they remembered it was from the "even less-traveled reaches" of Factory Showroom.
- People won Battle for the Planet of the Apes, despite there being more audience on the "Apes" side. Linnell suggested they might have Super PACs.
- The rocking version of Black Ops was a nice surprise - Linnell played bass clarinet on it and Cloissone.
- A big intro for the melodica on Icky - specifically that it's "a breathalizer" in some states.
- Flansburgh worked his vocal modulation device as "Robo-Flansburgh", delivering a very long joke about a hipster in a leather anarchist jacket and his dog he'd ironically named Fido. He insisted that robot humor was "infallible" and therefore the joke was very funny.
- The Future of Sound had evolved into 123 Intro since the last show - absolutely killer solo from Marty Beller.
- Polk seemed like a weird exit, but given that he annexed Texas into the US it's rather fitting.
- Michael's review was spot-on. I was 8 feet from the stage the entire concert. The only thing I'll add is that I do very much wish The Band would leverage the woodwind wizardry of Moon Hooch and give us a live version of The Darlings Of Lumberland.
- Speaking of Moon Hooch, they were pretty incredible. They only did three numbers as the opening act, but I suspect that was enough to garner a dirt lot full of new fans. Kenny G made circular breathing famous, and I'd never seen anyone else who could do it until Mike Wilbur started playing his rockin' arpeggio solos. To quote the two Johns, I'm Impressed!