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- Flickr gallery and Write-up by BlueCanary
- YouTube videos by vvedge
- When Will You Die
- We Live In A Dump
- Alphabet of Nations
- Pencil Rain
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Damn Good Times
- Fingertips
- Cloisonné
- The Mesopotamians
- Band Intros
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
On the setlist but not played:
They Might Be Giants
Princeton Public Library in Princeton, NJ
April 21, 2012 at 6:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- A very discombobulated version of James K. Polk was played at soundcheck.
- Here's a picture of me with TMBG :D
- "I smell" — John Linnell
- Although I had hoped to arrive earlier, due to traffic/delays, we got to Princeton around 1:00. There weren't many people there yet, so Isabella, Sylvie, and a friend of Sylvie's went to explore the record store. There were seven copies of Apollo 18. And also two Istanbul EPs, so I got one of those (and a David Byrne album). Then we looked around the library, and after a little bit I went to stand with the small crowd of familiar TMBG fans which was condensing by the stage. TDK's friend Paul brought banana and chocolate cakes, which as I understand were to celebrate his and Kelly's birthday. I had a slice of banana and it was delicious.
- Everyone popped on stage individually to play around with their respective instruments or survey the setup. After a considerable amount more waiting (during which I chatted with various lovely people), they soundchecked Polk at 5:15ish (JL: "We're not getting graded on this"). The show started at about 6:05, and it was a lot of fun, if perhaps a little short! I was so excited that they played "Pencil Rain" since that is one of my very favourite songs and I had not gotten to hear it live yet! I could see John Linnell's setlist from where I was sitting (he had to hold it down with his foot so it didn't blow away), and I was kinda bummed that they didn't do "Dead" in the encore, but "New York City" was a very nice ending.
- Once the show ended and the Johns had waved goodbye, we headed over to the Princeton Record Exchange, where the line curved around the corner and down the block. More waiting, and I got John and John to sign both my LP of Pink and my Wiggle Diskette! (though only Linnell had to sign the latter, since Flans did at the Apple Store—JL: "This will put your kids through college!"). I shook hands with both of them and then got a picture, which Kelly took so I have not actually seen it yet! Isabella, Sylvie, Sylviefriend and I hung around Princeton a little longer and a procession of Dan and Marty and their families walked by us, which was strange. Aaaand then we went home! so it was a great day!
All banter transcribed by Zondry:
- L: Hey, what's up? Thanks for coming to the show. We're They Might Be Giants. I'm just gonna put the earplug in my left ear.
- Yes. You guys ready? Here we go...
- When Will You Die
- L: That's how that goes.
- F: It's a free show. Ladies and gentlemen, we wanna tell everybody that everything in Princeton is free now! The Starbucks down the street has announced that all the coffee beans have been set free. Set the coffee beans free! Hey, everybody, We're They Might Be Giants from Brooklyn, New York. Thank you so much for coming out to the show. Is the PA loud enough for everybody in the back?
- L: Louder?
- F: Can you guys hear everything? Would you like it to be louder or quieter?
- L: We can hear you so....
- F: We're looking for long-term hearing loss here, people. We're trying to affect your life in a permanent way. So, John Carter, we're looking for more monitors. Ladies and gentlemen, from Disney Pictures, Mr. John Carter! $200 million loss, ladies and gentlemen. Shock the entertainment. You know, in Princeton there are a lot of entertainment professionals here in the audience and a lot of entertainment tonight, the style of joking around. This next song is about apartment living, it's called "We Live In A Dump".
- We Live In A Dump
- F: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, of course, we are here to celebrate Record Store Day, ladies and gentlemen. The one full Princeton Record Exchange perhaps the finest record store on the eastern seaboard. If not, the United States, ladies and gentlemen. May I recommend the $1 bins. It's got 15 records for 15 bucks, including the Naz album that I think is actually worth more than a dollar. This next song is written by Mr. Todd Rundgren, ladies and gentlemen. This song is called....
- The Alphabet of Nations
- F: Mr. Dan Miller on the keyboard, ladies and gentlemen. The next song were about to perform actually was recorded on a vinyl album in the 1980s.
- L: Yes. You can crush me with some more monitor as well, Mr. Carter. That'll be cool. Yeah, here we go.
- F/L: (making weird sounds and hyperventilating noises)
- L: The 80s. Yeah. That's what we're talking about, people. You know, every time were under at 10, we start getting sentimental about all our friends who are divorced. Brings it sooner in my eye. Such beautiful kids. It's a rock show, people! Come on! If I can't swear, can I at least not say inappropriate things in a public? Ladies and gentlemen, this next song is dedicated to the feedback, and it's called "Pencil Rain".
- Pencil Rain, Birdhouse In Your Soul, Damn Good Times, Fingertips
- F: You like that premium cable?
- L: Yeah.
- F: I get it. Too cheap. Like the madmen do.
- L: That's spending all the money.
- F: Premium Cable Package. Baseball every day. So ladies and gentlemen, They Might Be Giants has been hooked up with the VH1 and the safe music project. We've going around high schools in the middle of the night stealing bass clarinets from high schools. 20 bucks a pop, we're gonna have a big press announcement returning getting all these clarinets from high schools all around the country because we believe that music is the future. Music is future, people. So, John, you're standing there. It's okay. OK, uh no no no that's fine. I'm just trying to situate myself. I understand, I'm just gonna stand over here. This song is off of our brand new album, "Join Us" ladies and gentlemen. It's about a jewelry making process, featuring the bass clarinet stylings of Mr. John Linnell. These words we know will be spoken at a rock show again. People in the back, can you hear the bass clarinet? (Linnell starts playing) Out of it's children's music ghetto just 3 minutes, ladies and gentlemen. This song is called "Cloisonné".
- Cloisonné
- F: We all stopped at the same time.
- L: Hell yeah.
- F: Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to celebrate Record Store Day and celebrate the Princeton Record Exchange. We are going to be doing a signing at the Princeton Record Store. The Record Exchange immediately after following this program. We wanna remind everybody that if you're feeling a little peckish, you can eat right after the show and then come back like an hour later. We'll still be there. Get yourself signed there. That's what the foreign people do.
- L: That's what we'll do, actually.
- F: I feel a little bit peckish.
- L: Yes.
- F: I'll be ready in about an hour right after I watch that game. So, alright, John, so...
- L: Here's a song, it's called "The Mesopotmaians".
- The Mesopotamians
- F: Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to thank you all for coming individually for coming to the show. We're gonna start with the second for fewer people, the kid in the blue shirt, thank him for coming to the show. The kid in the blue shirt. We'll see you in 2030. We're gonna do running the club. Ladies and gentlemen, on the drums, Mr. Marty Beller, he's come to hear you scream! On the super bass, all the way from Long Island, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Danny Weinkauf! Directly to my left, perhaps the finest guitarist in They Might Be Giants, Mr. Dan Miller, everybody! Since we wanna thank you all for coming, we wanna thank the president here for being so nice to us, letting us do it here. Originally this has been an in-store performance. We might realize that it might get a little stuffy. So this has been a gas. We wanna thank him for the tent, the PA, this has been really great. Everybody, come on out to the record store afterwards. If you can't make it, we'll see you next time. But thanks again for coming out to the show. This song is called, "Can't Keep Johnny Down".
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
- (encore)
- New York City
- F: We'll see you at Princeton Record Store Exchange. Come on by and say "Hello"! Thank you so much for coming out!