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Songs that mention numbers.
Central theme[edit]
- All songs from Here Come The 123s (except "Heart Of The Band", "Hot Dog!", and " Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme")
- 100 Cars For Good
- 120 Minutes Song
- 123 Band Intro
- 200 Sbemails
- 25 O'Clock
- 3 Chords, 2 Teeth, 1 Eye
- 32 Footsteps
- 4 Years Of Norm Breaking - A Question In Song
- 7-11
- 8 AM
- 9 Secret Steps
- Agent Double-0-Soul
- Broke In Two
- Countdown Intro
- Dimension Six Rock
- Four Of Two
- Lesson 16
- Less Than One
- Meh (We Are Meh) – "Just one item in the store"
- Nixon's The One
- Number Three
- O, Do Not Forsake Me – "One thousand years old"
- One Billion Degrees
- One Man One Vote
- One Two Three Four
- Right Before Showtime – 24 hours each listed individually
- Seven In The Morning
- The Songs Of The 50 States
- Three Might Be Duende
- Too + 3 R One
- Tres Quatro
- Zilch
Briefly mentioned[edit]
- 1999 - Cowtown Medley - "Two thousand zero zero"
- 2082 – "You will meet again, you two"
- '85 Radio Special Thank You - "Until they never let us out a full ten blocks later"
- AKA Driver – "Big hand's on one-twenty"
- Albany – "I'm a number, not a man"
- Alienation's For The Rich - "He's leavin' in three days" , "With a six of Miller High Life"
- All Alone - "For three years it remained undetected on the moon"
- Alphabet Lost And Found - "More than two syllables to the emergency room!", "Prefixes and suffixes, door number two"
- Ampersand - "Shining down on millions more"
- Ana Ng – "80 dolls yelling small girl after all"
- Anaheim – "Death Wish 3"
- Answer – "I came in under 5'4"
- Arkansas – "On a scale of one to one"
- Au Contraire – "Jodie Foster held two pair / Bach had three of a kind"
- Authenticity Trip - "200-proof"
- Become A Robot – "Let's stick together 'cause we're number eight / Let's stick to numbers 'cause we're great"
- Best Regrets - "Ten quarters and five dimes", "Betrayal takes two"
- Birdhouse In Your Soul – "One note, spelled L-I-T-E"
- Black Ops – "A thousand miles from day or night"
- The Bloodboat – "Two days out, three to go", "Forty tons of cutlery"
- Brain Problem Situation - "Twenty nine inches of snow"
- Buckle Down, Winsocki - "They will cover the ground for a number one down or a touch"
- C Is For Conifers - "More than five hundred kinds"
- Canada Haunts Me – "Or I'll just hear the echo of fifty-four forty or fight"
- Can't Keep Johnny Down – "Outnumbered a million to one"
- Chopping Block Testimonial - "...over ten million employees ready to serve..."
- Circular Karate Chop – "Three rules from your"
- Confusing The Mind - "Well jeepers, we've got two or three children"
- Creepy – "Six million ways to die"
- Cyclops Rock – "I just stare with my one glass eye"
- Dial-A-Song Promo – "25 hours a day, six days a week"
- Employee Of The Month – "It's my number one job", "Number one crumb-making son of a gun"
- The End Of The Tour – "Out on Interstate 91"
- Erase - "The lights start going out one by one"
- Feel Good Sublet – "Let it be this one", "Four flights up and find yourself knowing"
- Fibber Island - "Our dog is 2 miles wide"
- Flansy Stays In The Picture – "He was interviewing fifty people, a hundred people, two hundred people, whatever it took..."
- Gudetama's Busy Days - "So you hit on double zero"
- The Guitar – "Five, three, four, five"
- Hillbilly Drummer Girl - "Playing for a crowd of six"
- Hopeless Bleak Despair – "One day it disappeared"
- Houston – "By the ramp for Interstate 45"
- I Am Alone - "One of us is a double", "three-part folding mirror", "So now it appears the double crossers / Have been too clever by half"
- I Haven't Been Right Yet - "I said the force of 50 million suns"
- I'm All You Can Think About – "That one with the tiny face"
- James K. Polk – "In 1844 the Democrats were split"
- John Lee Supertaster – "It's like a hundred pears (it's like a million pears)". Also, "When I was 39 years old..."
- The King Of Wingo – "Then the two became four"
- Lucky Ball And Chain – "Now she's four years gone / Just five feet tall and sick of me", "And I drink for two"
- McCafferty's Bib – "I used to have eleven problems"
- Meh (They Could Try Harder) – "One thing"
- Memo To Human Resources – "5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2"
- The Mexican Drill – "Eighteen feet or more"
- Mink Car – "When you're 24 karat dead"
- Monsters Of Mud – "Look out there's one right there"
- The Next Plane To London - "Leaving on runway number five"
- Now Is Strange – "Underneath that five would be a six"
- Ohio - "Four dead in Ohio"
- Pencil Rain – "They look out for number two"
- Prepare – "Counting down to zero from one"
- Purple Toupee – "Ten years later they were sharing the same cell / I shouted out, "Free the Expo '67""
- Quit The Circus – "I'll blink once for no / I'll blink twice for no"
- Rhythm Section Want Ad – "There must be hundreds"
- Rock Club – "1 2, Check, 1 2"
- See The Constellation – "1, 2, 3, 4...4...4..." count-off and throughout most of the song
- She's An Angel – "We raced up and down the sidewalk twenty thousand million times"
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future - "She had a hundred mechanical fingers"
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future Commentary - "Three dimensional special effects..." , "...eight months ago..."
- (Since You Joined) The Corporation – "Painful smile, on the 44th floor"
- Snowball In Hell - "I guess 30, 45 minutes maybe."
- Stalk Of Wheat – "...And it felt like a trillion feet"
- Starry Eyes – "Won't you take this number down"
- Swing Is A Word - "Six feet down"
- Tesla (2 4 6 8 Remix)
- Thinking Machine – "Uncle fourteen marching flame"
- This Is Only Going To Go One Way - "Six ways to Sunday," "Too bad my greatest trick can only be performed one time"
- This Microphone – "Nobody's figured out my 12 fatal flaws"
- Till My Head Falls Off – "There were 87 Advil in the bottle now there's 30 left / I ate 47 so what happened to the other 10?"
- Toddler Hiway – "In the mornin' sun 'round seven o'clock"
- Tractor - "Six pack of strong and silent"
- Trucker's Coffee - Highway 17, "...four hitchhikers not making a sound", "In the parking lot stood twenty glowing semis"
- Up The Junction - "I walked eleven hours"
- Violin – "One quarter of George Washington's head"
- Wait Actually Yeah No - "Twenty-car collision"
- We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime – "100 miles an hour "
- Who's Gonna Guess The Dead Guy? – "On Y100"
- Why Does The Sun Shine? – "At a temperature of millions of degrees," "About ninety-three million miles away!"
- Why Does The Sun Really Shine? – "A fourth state of matter"
Honorable mentions[edit]
- 50,000,000 They Might Be Giants Songs Can't Be Wrong
- Apollo 18
- Dial-A-Song: 20 Years Of They Might Be Giants
- Gigantic (A Tale Of Two Johns)