Quit The Circus

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Quit the Circus
artist They Might Be Giants
releases BOOK
year 2021
run time 2:52
sung by John Flansburgh


  • John Flansburgh described the song's themes in a 2021 interview:[1]
It's not really an autobiographical song, but I think anybody who's been sort of trapped in a family could understand this song. I think one of the things about writing songs is that you tend to really amplify a lot of the lyrical... You know, if you're drawing from something personal, you're not just gonna mumble your way through it, you're gonna heighten it. It's really about a very extreme kind of claustrophobia. [...] That one's pretty dire.
  • Flansburgh later revealed that the song was based on a friend's experiences.[2]

Song Themes

Circus, Mind Control, Hypnotism, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Plants, Religion, Supernatural, Telecommunication, Title Not In Lyrics, Transportation


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Quit The Circus is currently ranked #511 out of 1019. (43 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.26)