Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video from the Here Come The 123s DVD
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme Song


song name Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Disney's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Here Come The 123s
year 2006
run time 1:00
sung by John Flansburgh


Recently we were asked to create new opening and closing themes for the upcoming revival of The Mickey Mouse Club. As the work was being discussed on a four-way conference call, it emerged that the theme was going to have to spell out the name of the show - but "it can't be the same melody!" It was an interesting challenge, but I wondered aloud if we were being asked to invent New Coke. Now, I don't even know if I like it but, for better of worse, the original is an icon. How could another spelled-out theme replace, or even compare to the original? Then I was reminded the audience is almost entirely of three- and four-year-olds. For them nothing is a rerun or a remake - it's all brand new.
  • Seven years after this song's release, it made a one-week appearance at Number 16 on the Billboard Heatseekers Songs chart for the week of March 23rd, 2013.[1]
  • According to the September 8, 2021 episode of This Might Be a Podcast, which Dan Levine appeared on, Linnell and Levine worked together to arrange the horns. In addition, Levine stated that this song was one of his favourite songs that he worked on due to the slightly experimental, playful nature of the composition.

Song Themes

Animals, Cartoons, Letters Of The Alphabet, Real Estate, Title Not In Lyrics, TV And Movie Themes


  • Watch it on Youtube.png - DVD video
  • Watch it on Youtube.png - static image

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Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme is currently ranked #988 out of 1032. (85 wikians have given it an average rating of 6.59)