Employee Of The Month

From This Might Be A Wiki
Semi-official music video

song name Employee of the Month
artist They Might Be Giants
releases tmbg.com Free Tunes, Podcast 24A, Cast Your Pod To The Wind, Podcast 38A
year 2007
run time 1:25
sung by John Flansburgh


  • This song was initially released on TMBG's Myspace profile. The text "Superfueled Freaksicle, 2011 No Doubt Theater" is displayed to the left of the Myspace player. Superfueled Freaksicle was the name of a rumored b-side compilation that was to be released in 1997, but never saw the light of day. "No Doubt Playhouse" is a fictional location featured on TMBG's "2040 Tour" T-shirt, likely a reference to the pop band No Doubt.
  • The song's video was created by Elliot Cowan, a former employee of Asterisk, and serves as a mini-episode for his web animation series Boxhead and Roundhead. The song's usage was later approved by They Might Be Giants themselves, rendering it semi-official.

Song Themes

Fade Out, Food, Occupations, Time


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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Employee Of The Month is currently ranked #709 out of 1034. (48 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.79)