Mink Car (Song)
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Mink Car |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | TMBG Unlimited - June, Mink Car, Modern |
year | 2001 |
first played | August 5, 2001 (67 known performances) |
run time | 2:09 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- From TMBG Unlimited:
We wrote this song while Adam was tinkering with Yeh Yeh in the other room. Jim O'Connor, who owns and operates a flugelhorn, expressed some feelings he has been keeping in the freezer since 1966. Danny Weinkauf made everybody burst into tears with his bass playing, and that's Clem "Wildman" Waldman pounding the skins and triangle. Clem is part of the Loser's Lounge, a New York revue at the Westbeth Theater.
- John Linnell, from the Electronic Musician "Conversing with Giants" interview:[1]
We write pretty independently, and we've had a number of tracks in the recent past where we've collaborated. There's one shining exception, which is the song "Mink Car" off of [the album] Mink Car we actually wrote sitting at a piano in this Leopold and Loeb sort of way. We don't really ever do that.
- In 2021, Flansburgh further explained the origin of the song:[2]
If memory serves, [the] phrase "mink car" was coined in a passing comment by my pal and wife, Robin Goldwasser. I can't really remember the exact circumstance but it was a bit of a fantasy conversation--talking about what people do when their ship comes in and I mentioned shopping for a mink coat. She topped it.
- Flansburgh on recording the song:[3]
Mink Car was done backward. We recorded the piano first, and then did the drums afterward, then all the horns and vocals and everything. The very last thing we did was have Danny Weinkauf, our bass player, play the bass part. The great part about it is that the bass gets to do all the elaborate stuff in all the holes that weren't filled by anything else.
Song Themes
Accidents, Album Titles In Song Lyrics, Animals, Artificial Body Parts, Death, Dreams, Heads, Loneliness, Music, Numbers, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Precious Metal, Traded Tracks, Transportation
- Watch it on
– Recorded live on October 25, 2008 by CapitalQ (with David Driver singing)
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