Oranges Testimonial
From This Might Be A Wiki
(Redirected from Chopping Block Testimonial)
song name | Chopping Block Testimonial |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | eMusic Freebies, TMBG Unlimited - April, (2000-2006), They Got Lost, TMBG Clock Radio, Songs For Chop |
year | 2000 |
run time | 1:12 |
sung by | John Linnell, with a spoken intro by John Flansburgh |
- A testimonial by John Flansburgh created for the company that produces TMBG's web sites, The Chopping Block (
- The spoken intro, by John F., is backed by the music to Oranges (Alt) and then ends with a verse from the song.
- Also goes by "Oranges Testimonial", on the They Got Lost CD. Comment from "A little spoken word piece about how much we love the Chopping Block. Ultimately as unimportant as the previous track, but we think it is worth saving from rock oblivion."
Song Themes
The Chopping Block, Colors, Food, Numbers, Puns, Self-Reference, Spoken Word
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