I Haven't Been Right Yet
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | I Haven't Been Right Yet |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song (2018), My Murdered Remains |
year | 2018 |
run time | 2:35 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- John Flansburgh expanded on the writing and production of this song in a December 2018 interview with Sam Ash:
[Linnell and I have] always written songs apart, but we’ve also always collaborated. Sometimes it’s just handing off a lyric or a sample or a beat or a chord progression, sometimes it’s more of an experiment. There is a song on Dial-A-Song called “I Haven’t Been Right Yet” that is a good example of how circuitous it can get. John had put together a set of chords, essentially a kind of blues progression but in a microtonal scale that he had concocted on some tunable synths, and sampled them. I took the chords and repurposed it into a kind of swingy progression using the Ableton Push against a kind of cliché jazz ride pattern, and passed it back to him. It sounds very cool unto itself, but it wasn’t exactly a complete instrumental and it certainly wasn’t a song, but it was something kind of cool. I think three or four months went by, and I kind of figured it had just been shuffled away, but then he brought the track in and had written the vocal and clarinet thing straight over the audio I put together on Push. Marty [Beller] did a full-blown swinging drum thing and the song really became something quite complete.
Song Themes
Microtones, Numbers, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Plans, Questions, Traded Tracks, Two Chord Songs
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