We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name We Just Go Nuts at Christmastime
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song, The Frank O'Toole Show, Power Of Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work
year 1987
first played December 31, 1987 (1 known performance)
run time 1:27
sung by John Flansburgh


There's another song in our history that runs parallel to "Feast Of Lights" called "We Just Go Nuts at Christmastime" that John Linnell has decided to suppress, but which I feel is an extremely strong piece of material. It's all about the dread of trying to hang with your family for an extended period of time, which is about as universal an issue as you'll find. That's the tough part of the holidays: not arguing with your relations.
  • From 1987 to 1993, it was tradition for Dial-A-Song to play this song on Christmas Day.[1]
  • The recording played on the Frank O'Toole Show is musically identical to that which featured on Dial-A-Song, but it includes a different spoken word bridge. O'Toole also traditionally played this song around the holiday season on his radio shows.[2]

Song Themes

Body Parts, Everything, Hair, Holidays, Letters Of The Alphabet, Love Gone Sour, Numbers, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Relatives, Self-Reference, Spoken Word, Time


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We Just Go Nuts At Christmastime is currently ranked #86 out of 1035. (60 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.97)