(Since You Joined) The Corporation

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name (Since You Joined) the Corporation
artist Hello The Band
releases Hello The Band (EP)
year 1993
run time 3:05
sung by John Flansburgh


  • This song was one of the few recorded by Hello The Band, which consisted of John Flansburgh and Joshua Fried.
  • "The jazzy stomp-along is embellished by Sanko's walking bass lines and Joshua's hyperactive organ stabs." -Joshua Fried, in one of Myke Weiskopf's interviews
  • From MonoPuff.org - "Flansburgh takes us on one of his rare but brilliant falsetto trips with a stunningly bizarre 'Since You Joined The Corporation'".
  • "The bass line actually also came mostly from me. I did a radio spot for Pepsi and it has pretty much that bass line...The "corporation" refers to the songwriting credit on a lot of the early Jackson 5 songs. They are written by the quote "corporation" and I don't know the story behind that, but both Flansburgh and I remarked upon that and we said like, let's take this musical material that I had and let's turn it into a Motown-y thing." -Joshua Fried

Song Themes

Album Lead-Ins, Falsetto, Lies And Deception, Love, Numbers, Occupations, Questions


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(Since You Joined) The Corporation is currently ranked #342 out of 1032. (16 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.56)