Gudetama's Busy Days

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Gudetama's Busy Days"
An Instagram post from Flansburgh on January 28, 2020 featuring Gudetama

song name Gudetama's Busy Days
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song (2018), My Murdered Remains, Some Murdered Remains, Modern
year 2018
run time 2:39
sung by John Flansburgh, Robin Goldwasser harmonizes near the end


It has a lot of small production tricks, but it actually came out of a desire to record from a “less than four-instruments at a time” manifesto that I tried to give myself. So there is guitar, bass, drums and voice, or keys, bass, drums and voice which leaves a lot of room for effects and textures to actually be heard.

As for the topic, it is really just about feeling isolated from the world, even if you are in a crowded place and manically trying to keep up with your life. The character of Gudetama appealed to me because he is such a mopey sad sack—he seemed to fit.

  • Gudetama is a character by Japanese merchandising company Sanrio (best known for Hello Kitty) introduced in 2013. Its name loosely translates to "lazy egg", and the character has become a cultural phenomenon internationally, including in America.[1]
  • The Pink Dot is a grocery chain based in Los Angeles, California.
  • The music video was directed by Ajax Digital Design, and was the first to be released through a timed premiere on YouTube.
  • The footage for the video is sourced from the 1961 experimental Canadian 3D horror film The Mask.
  • They Might Be Giants played the music video for this song as they transitioned out of The Quiet Storm part of their live show during 2020's 30th Anniversary Flood tour.

Song Themes

Cartoons, Colors, Dreams, Fading, Falling, Lies And Deception, Loneliness, Love, Money, Misanthropy, Numbers, Occupations, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Plants, Questions, Reading, Real Estate, Recursion, School, Strangers, Trade Names, Transportation


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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