Best Regrets

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Best Regrets"

song name Best Regrets
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song (2018), My Murdered Remains, Some Murdered Remains
year 2018
run time 3:35
sung by John Flansburgh


  • Video directed by Ajax Digital Design. The video's source is a 1967 promotional film on the New York City Ballet and their founder, George Balanchine.
  • According to Flansburgh, this song "was finished days before it was posted, although it was in the works for a few months and in a few incarnations."[1]
  • In a 2022 Tumblr Q&A, Flansburgh described the thought process behind the song's subject matter:
Best Regrets is completely personal-although kind of hypothetical-I’ve never met up with the person in question (thank god). Best Regrets is definitely about dread in a very ultimate way-and I do feel a level of dread as an older person that feels heavier because there isn’t a lot of skipping past it. Not trying to be a drag, but sometimes things don’t work out!
  • Punk pioneer Richard Hell wrote "Betrayal Takes Two", a song on the 1977 album Blank Generation.

Song Themes

Bells, Colors, Heads, Language, Love Gone Sour, Money, Numbers, Plans, Shapes, Space, Time, Title Not In Lyrics, Writing


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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Best Regrets is currently ranked #232 out of 1028. (49 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.68)