
From This Might Be A Wiki

Over the course of their long and glorious existence, They Might Be Giants and its members have been referred to by some of the following names, sometimes mistakenly:

They Might Be Giants

  • The Giants
  • John and John
  • The Johns
  • Jim and Jim - An accidental introduction
  • They
  • Them
  • TMBG
  • The Twin Quasars of Rock - Critic Intro, A 1990 TMBG Information Bulletin
  • Aging Statesmen of Rock - The Giants Interview Each Other
  • The Dorian Grays of Rock - WNYC Spinning On Air (segment 2)
  • Brooklyn's Ambassadors of Love - Introduction (Live NYC), Puppets Gonna Fuck You Up,
  • The Big Steamy Thing (an anagram of "They Might Be Giants")
  • Also (from the old website):
    • My big teeth gnash it
    • High tab, meet stingy
    • Thy gig beneath mist
    • Big hat, teensy might
    • I might beget shanty
    • Be at the mighty sign
    • High time ants get by
    • Seth, I'm in thy bat egg
  • There May Be Giants (For maximum effect, this should be said in a heavy Brooklyn accent, and used in the sentence "Who's There May Be Giants?")
  • They Might Be Dead - 1992 Extra Crispy World Tour Shirt
  • The Mighty Giants
  • Big John and Little John
  • They Must Be Giants - from Severe Tire Damage, also said by Flans at the 2005-07-15 Cleveland show
  • There Must Be Giants, a Gloria quote
  • We Are Giants Damn It! - as suggested by Syd Straw
  • El Grupo De Rock And Roll
  • Count Drinkalot
  • The guys who wrote Particle Man
  • Those dudes who wrote Older
  • Makers of Music - sub-title on Bed, Bed, Bed (Book)
  • We're Certainly Dwarfs - from Terry Pratchett's book "Soul Music" (TP was a huge fan of Them)
  • "Weird Al" Yankovic - the listed artist of some Ana Ng and Istanbul (Not Constantinople) MP3s. "Weird Al" Yankovic has a history of songs being mistakenly credited to him on file-sharing sites.
  • Sapphire Bullets - TMBG's mysterious opening act.
  • Gunnar and Matthew - from Gunnar and Matthew's Answering Machine Message, referring to Gunnar and Matthew Nelson, twin sons of Ricky Nelson.
  • Bacharach And David - See Interpretations:Youth Culture Killed My Dog
  • Playthings of the Rich, a quip from Linnell in Gigantic.
  • The Shitty Beatles - another Gigantic quip from Linnell, in response to Lennon/McCartney comparisons.
    • This name is also a reference to the movie Wayne's World: it's one of the bands playing at the nightclub where Wayne first meets Cassandra (Tia Carrerre)
  • The Supergiants - from the Experimental Film video commentary; also Those Supreme Giants Guys.
  • The Pride of Brooklyn - as Conan O'Brien once called them.
  • The Mighty B. Giants
  • The Giant boys
  • They May Possibly Be Giants - I can't remember where I heard this - User:Droffats
  • WAFMNWANFG (We Apologize For the Misunderstanding, but No We Are Not in Fact Giants) - Uncyclopedia
  • The Linky Giants - Uncyclopedia
  • They might be rain - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be heat - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be frying up a stalk of wheat - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be brain - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be washed - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be Dr. Spock's back-up band - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be bald - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be snow - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be something else in the snow - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be fake - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be lies - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be big, big, fake, fake lies - They Might Be Giants
  • They might be chewing on a pair of feet - They Might Be Giants (Demo)
  • They might be yelling out albatross - They Might Be Giants (Demo)
  • They might be something else down below - They Might Be Giants (Demo)
  • Ain't They Giants - Podcast 27A
  • Might Be Giant - Podcast 27A
  • They Very Well May Be Big People
  • ZeiMai (ゼイマイ) - a Japanese nickname, contraction of the band's name after being transliterated into katakana (ゼイ・マイト・ビー・ジャイアンツ, Zei Maito Bii Jaiantsu).
  • The Potential Tall Ones
  • The Mighty Be Giants
  • They Mighty Be Giants, a typo I personally made.
  • Dump Truck, one of the original band name suggestions, according to this interview with John Flansburgh
  • Circle Gets The Square (another early potential band name)
  • They Might
  • Them Ain't Big Eye Ants
  • Bog Standard (see Save Your Life)
  • They might be somewhere near this town - They Got Lost
  • They Had To Be Giants
  • There Is No Way They Are Not Giants
  • Demchuk (see Cut The Strings)
  • The Disappointers (see Disappointing Show)
  • Spool 409 (see Kids Are Different Now)
  • Too + 3 (see Too + 3 R One)
  • Naykid Eyes (see Headless)
  • The Rorschach Tests of Music (because everyone unknowingly has their own interpretation of TMBG's songs)
  • Those wacky dudes from They Might Be Giants (when TMBG were guest hosts in an episode of Nick Rocks back in 1989)
  • They May or May Not Be Giants
  • They Are They Might Be Giants - Uncyclopedia
  • Real Smooth Moves - Uncyclopedia
  • Flansy & Linnell
  • Singing Giants (from a newspaper article about TMBG suing an electronics store who stole excerpts of some of their songs)
  • Are They Really Giants?
  • Ain't They Gods (a mispronunciation made by a person who called the band's record company in the 1980s)
  • The Notorious G.I.A.N.T.S. - Uncyclopedia
  • They Might Reinvent the Steam Engine - Uncyclopedia
  • The Lust of Giants - Uncyclopedia
  • The Lennon & Ono of Completely Non-Avant-Garde Music
  • They Might Be
  • Brooklyn's Own They Might Be Giants (as Conan once called them as well)
  • Are You Sure They're Giants?
  • TMBeG (from a 1980s flyer)
  • We Might Be Giants - MatPat

John Flansburgh

  • Rolf Conant - Conant is his middle name and Rolf is simply "a good German name." He has used this pseudonym for Unsupervised, Miscellaneous T, Apollo 18, Severe Tire Damage and Hello The Band. It was also used in the rare fanzine "Art In Context", which he produced with Bill Krauss. Rolf is also listed in Here Come The ABCs for logo.
  • Cecil Portesque (The They Might Be Giants Podcast)
  • Flans
  • Flanso
  • Flansy
  • Professor Flans (see L M N O)
  • A motherfucker guitarist
  • Agent 00-soul
  • Big John
  • Steven Page (a fan mistook him for another singer as a result for being at the wrong show)
  • Brown John
  • Colonel Parker (per Ira Glass in Gigantic)
  • Computer!
  • Doctor Octopus (see Announcement A)
  • Dr. F
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Flansborough
  • Flansburgher
  • Guitar John
  • Immensely huggable
  • Jack
  • Jim (NASA called them Jim and Jim in the ISY press release)
  • John "56k Modem" Flansburgh - From Podcast 5A newsletter
  • John "Abzug" Flansburgh
  • John "Boom Boom" Flansburgh
  • John "Contrecoup" Flansburgh
  • John "Crashes Bashes" Flansburgh
  • John "Guitar Wizard" Flansburgh
  • John "Honey" Flansburgh
  • John "light, no sugar" Flansburgh
  • John "Magog" Flansburgh
  • John "MC Landfill" Flansburgh
  • John G. Flansburgh
  • Flansburgh
  • Jump Little Chicken (see Raleigh)
  • Lieutenant Glue (From Paste Culture Club Podcast)
  • MC Serch (From 120 Minutes)
  • Matthew (from a Dial a Song message)
  • Mr. Kissyou - See PODAS
  • Mr. Flans
  • Professor P.F. (see AM FM Announcement)
  • Rabbi Flansburgh (Oct. 2, 2010 during Doctor Worm)
  • Syndrome (from September 2004 live show at The Egg, Albany)
  • "That glasses guy/The glasses guy" (Strong Sad) (In the Homestar Runner DVD commentary for Experimental Film)
  • "That one with the glasses" (Strong Bad)
  • "The big, fat guy who looks like Danny Aykroyd, only fatter" (from an insulting message left on Dial-A-Song)
  • The angry John with all the curse words (As he described himself at one live show.)
  • The bespectacled one
  • The big, fat guy
  • The Flotation Device (see Radio Sweepers)
  • The mean one
  • The nice John (what Flansburgh called himself while talking to a fan after one 1998 show)
  • The one out selling the stuff
  • The Roar of the Kraken
  • The sweet one
  • Tyler (See Sapphire Bullets)
  • The Queen of England
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Johnny Flansburgh (introduced during Graveyard as such by John Linnell in some shows)
  • The Japanese katakana spelling of his last name (フランズバーグ), which phonetically spells "Furanzubaagu."
  • Jon Franzbug (From a chat conversation I had)
  • Blue Avatar
  • DJ Fuzz (DJ name)
  • The guy with the big glasses
  • An unidentified man holding a stick (Lincoln fact sheet)
  • John Limburger - Uncyclopedia
  • John F.

John Linnell

  • Anne Hathaway (see (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future Commentary)
  • The Band Liar (Shows/2009-01-31a)
  • Blonde John
  • BoomCar (from September 2004 live show at The Egg in Albany)
  • Craggles
  • Dave (During live performances of Robot Parade in 2000.)
  • David Remnikopf (see (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future Commentary)
  • DJ Squiggles (During 2008 shows for kids and adults.)
  • Emily Dickinson (see Gigantic)
  • Garrison Keillor (from the WXPN show)
  • Gunnar (From a Dial A Song message)
  • Hi Pimp! (From Gigantic commentary)
  • Jared (See Sapphire Bullets)
  • Jim (see ISY press release)
  • J-Lo Linnell
  • John, the one without the glasses (reference in the Clarissa Explains it All pilot episode)
  • John "black, sugar" Linnell
  • John Beep Linnell (from Meet the Mundanes News Article)
  • John "Doodles" Linnell
  • John "End of Days" Linnell
  • John "Impressed" Linnell
  • John "LaGuardia" Linnell
  • John "Mashes Gnashes" Linnell
  • John "MC Doodles" Linnell
  • John "Patches" Linnell
  • John "Prometheus" Linnell
  • John "Rocket Seed" Linnell
  • Johnny “Devil” Mundane
  • Hottie Linnell
  • John "Step Back in Wonder" Linnell
  • John E. Linnell
  • Rineru-san (a name created by many of the band's anime-loving fans)
  • John Kendall (From 120 Minutes)
  • John Sid
  • Johnny Hart
  • Linny
  • Little John
  • Mr. Claw
  • Mr. Fleece (See I've Got A Fang)
  • Mr. Lips (Performs on Rolling O, Letter Shapes and Hovering Sombrero '05)
  • Mr. Squiggles (sometimes MC Squiggles)
  • Mr. Wiggles (I've heard Flansy refer to him as this at a few shows)
  • Professor Griff (From Paste Culture Club Podcast)
  • Roland Synth
  • Terence Trent Linnell (From Record Guide '88 performance)
  • The accordion-playing half of They Might Be Giants
  • The creepy one
  • The Future of Sound (Shows/2007-09-27)
  • The Keith Richards of the bass clarinet
  • The little, scrawny guy (See Fat Danny Aykroyd)
  • The next president of the United States (Flans, frequently at live shows)
  • The one in the back room putting the stuff together
  • The Professor
  • The quiet one
  • The shy one
  • The Tangled Web (see Radio Sweepers)
  • The Prince of Darkness (Shows/2007-07-20)
  • The Hippy Man
  • George Washington
  • The Japanese Katakana of Linnell's last name (リンネル) comes out as "Rinneru."
  • Accordion John
  • Green Avatar
  • Linnell
  • John Farriss (from a 1988 show review)
  • John Linuel (typo from a 1986 poster)
  • John Flannell - Uncyclopedia
  • Keyboard John
  • Lin'l
  • John L.

Marty Beller

  • The 2012 American Idol - (Oct. 2, 2010 - Kennedy Center)
  • Joseph Stalin
  • Marty "Bashes, Smashes" Beller
  • Marty "Bang-Bang" Beller
  • Marty "Big 80's" Beller - (Sept. 30, 2004 - TLA, Phila. The Spine Tour)
  • Marty "just water" Beller
  • Marty "On The Drums" Beller
  • Marty "Sharpton" Beller
  • Marty "Super-drums" Beller
  • Marty "Tantalus" Beller
  • Marty O. Beller
  • The Next President of the United States of America
  • Marty "Time-Out" Beller - (Jan. 31, 2009 - Le Poisson Rouge, Adult Show)
  • The Next Supreme Court Justice - (May 30, 2009 - Le Poisson Rouge)
  • The Next American Idol Winner - (May 30, 2009 - Le Poisson Rouge)
  • Marty "King of the Drums" Beller
  • Marty "Strong Enough For A Man But Made For A Woman" Beller - (October 15, 2009 - Beachland Ballroom)
  • The Princess of Rhythm - (May 17, 2015 - Newport Music Hall)
  • Whitney Houston
  • 100 Phil Collins' - (2018-01-25 - The Beacham in Orlando Florida)
  • The one that doesn’t drink coffee
  • Marty B.
  • Martsy
  • Martin

Dan Miller

  • Solder
  • "Careful" Dan Miller
  • Dan "Cambodia" Miller
  • Dan "It Doesn't Have to Be This Way" Miller
  • Dan "Johnny Chops" Miller
  • Dan "Prison Break" Miller
  • Dan "regular" Miller
  • Dan "Slash" Miller
  • Dan "Solder" Miller
  • Dan "Tinglus" Miller
  • Dan "Wah-Wah" Miller
  • Dan "Eupatrick" Miller
  • Dan D. Solder Miller
  • Dylan (See Sapphire Bullets)
  • MC What-Not (During 2008 shows for kids.)
  • MC Back-The-Fuck-Up (During 2008 shows for adults.)
  • Stormy Black (See Sapphire Bullets)
  • The Billy Squier of They Might be Giants
  • The H.M.S. Dan Miller
  • The Unknowable Dan Miller
  • They Might Be Giants' Official Cry Baby
  • Dan "God-Fearing" Miller
  • Dan M.

Danny Weinkauf

  • Bassy
  • Danny "Bass Boy Genius" Weinkauf
  • Danny "Ladies He's Taken" Weinkauf
  • Danny "Mas Sabor" Weinkauf
  • Danny "Mesopotamian" Weinkauf
  • Danny "Pangu" Weinkauf
  • Danny "Pops" Weinkauf
  • Danny "Rangel" Weinkauf
  • Danny "Viet Nam" Weinkauf
  • Danny K. Weinkauf
  • Parker (See Sapphire Bullets)
  • Poppa
  • Dan W.