They Might Be Giants (Song) (1985 Demo)
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | They Might Be Giants |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | 1985 Demo Tape |
year | 1985 |
run time | 2:59 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, John Linnell backing |
- Recorded in 1983 using John Flansburgh's ES-330 guitar before it was stolen[1], a different mix of this recording had previously been released on the 1984 Promotional Demo Tape, despite its absence on the tape's insert. This version included the addition of the "hang on tight" samples that came from "a kinda fake, budget version of a self-improvement program"[2] on an unknown cassette featuring Dr. Dave Breese, and included the outro that had previously been cut from the 1984 version, featuring Flansburgh singing a series of strange vocal inflections of the song title.
- Compared to the re-recording on Flood, this song features several lyric variations and a much more minimalist arrangement.
- The drum track of this song is directly taken from the 1979 drum beat album, DrumDrops Volume One by David Crigger and Joey D. Vieira. The track is titled "Bluegrass Country", and can be listened to here.
- The line about "yelling out 'albatross'", which appears in both early versions as well as current live versions, is a reference to a sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus.
Song Themes
A Cappella, Body Parts, Hair, Lies And Deception, Questions, Self-Reference, Size, Songs With Samples, Weather
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