Figure Eight (Podcast Episode)

Host: The Puppet Johns
Date published: February 8, 2008
Show length: 6:58
- "They Might Be Giants video podcast of songs about letters, numbers and everything else."
- Starting time [0:00] - Puppet Johns:
Flansburgh: (singing) Will you be my Valentine? Tell me so, tell me so. Will you be my Valentine? Tell me so, tell me so.
Linnell: Hello everyone, and welcome to They Might Be Giants' Friday night video podcast. I'm the hippie man, and that's the, uh, that's the Queen of England. In just a few days, it's going to be Valentine's Day so we're getting ready. We have a brand new video for you right now. It's called Figure Eight. Thanks for podcasting in.
Flansburgh: (singing) Tell me so, tell me so. Will you be my Valentine? Tell me so, tell me so.
- [1:16] - Here Come The 123s
- [1:23] - Figure Eight
- [3:59] - Puppet Johns:
Linnell: Here comes a song from Here Come The ABCs and it's called L M N O.
- [4:08] - L M N O
- [5:49] - Here Come The ABCs
- [5:56] - Puppet Johns:
Linnell: Now we have to say goodbye
Flansburgh: Now we have to say goodbye
Linnell: You just said what I just said
Flansburgh: I just said what you just said
Linnell: Goodbye
Flansburgh: Goodbye
Linnell: So long
Flansburgh: So long
Both: Goodbye. So long. Goodbye. So long
Flansburgh: What band were you in?
Linnell: I was in Hot Tuna.
Flansburgh: Oh, right. I thought so.
- [6:37] - Trailer (vocalizing Now We Have To Go)