Marty Beller Mask

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Marty Beller Mask"
Whitney Houston
Marty Beller posing with fans wearing Marty Beller masks (Nov. 9, 2011)

song name Marty Beller Mask
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Album Raises New And Troubling Questions, Modern
year 2011
first played October 29, 2011 (49 known performances)
run time 2:00
sung by John Linnell


  • Whitney Houston was a popular R&B singer, and did not resemble Marty Beller. However, Marty has stated that he is a fan of both Whitney and her movie The Bodyguard. [1]
  • This song's chorus consists of references to Whitney Houston songs:
  • Following the release of Album Raises New And Troubling Questions, this song became a staple in TMBG's setlists, but was retired shortly after on February 11, 2012, when Whitney Houston was found dead at age 48. Flansburgh: "TMBG is very saddened to hear of Whitney Houston's passing--so unexpected and so very sad. Out of respect we're retiring the song Marty Beller Mask from public performance."[2] The music video was also removed from YouTube for a few months, returning on July 18, 2012. On August 31, 2022, the band brought the song back to their live show after a ten year hiatus.
  • The video for this song was created by Flansburgh, using a time-lapse app for the iPhone.

Song Themes

Clothes, Dreams, Drums, Eyes, Holidays, Lies And Deception, Love, People (Real), Puns, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Self-Reference, The Senses,


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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Marty Beller Mask is currently ranked #65 out of 1034. (140 wikians have given it an average rating of 9.03)