
From This Might Be A Wiki
This is the user page for HotelDetectiveInTheFuture (that's me). For the extremely funky track from Podcast 5A (and Cast Your Pod to the Wind), see (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future.
TMBW Userboxes
813EditEditor.jpg 813-edit contributor!

Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favourite band.

FAV This user's favourite TMBG song is The Mesopotamians.

Apollo18.png This user's favourite album is Apollo 18.

Lincoln.png This user's second favourite album is Lincoln.

FloodLP.png This user's third favourite album is Flood.

The Else CD.png This user's fourth favourite album is The Else.

PinkAlbum.png This user's fifth favourite album is They Might Be Giants.

2015-11-29 Cover Art.png This user's favourite live album is Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg 11.29.15

Here Comes Science.png This user's favourite kids' album is Here Comes Science.

FanClub12 45.png TMBG's management sent this user two stickers and a signed photo of the Johns as a consolation prize for not being able to join the 2024 Instant Fan Club, which might even be cooler than being an actual IFC member. No, this user is not making it all up. This actually happened.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2019.

CTB This user has contributed to these pages.

SHO This user has seen the following TMBG concert livestreams.

skin This user uses Deciduous.

HRW This user is also on
Homestar Runner Wiki.

WP This user is also on Wikipedia.

INT This user has written the following song interpretations.

RC This user often patrols the Recent Changes page.

SV This user has rated the following songs.

1st This user's first TMBG album was Here Come the 123s.

Weird Al.jpg This user is a huge "Weird Al" Yankovic fan, and has seen him live.

VID This user's favourite TMBG video is Experimental Film.

This user is 1000 years old.

CanadaScreenshot.jpeg This user is a Canadian.

Pamphlet.png This user's favourite EP is The Pamphlet EP.

LetterNotALetter2.jpg This user is not a letter!

MinkCarVinyl.jpg This user thinks that Mink Car is underrated.

DVD lazor beams.jpg This user has his lazors set on stun because he has to stun you just to get his point through.

Hollywood 45.JPG This user's favourite Venue Song is Los Angeles.

This user's favourite State Song is West Virginia.

Twoface.jpg This user doesn't know which John they prefer.

Weinkauf 45.jpg This user's favourite band member is Danny Weinkauf.

Drums 45.gif This user plays drums.

Babel keyboard.jpg This user plays keyboard.

Accordion 45a.gif This user plays accordion, but not very well.

JL This user's favourite John Linnell quote is "I'd be a delicious steak dinner"

Apple Juice Blues.JPG This user is a gigantic Homestar Runner fan!!


Hello! I am HotelDetectiveInTheFuture, but you can call me Oz. Happy Wednesday. How's it going? I am a guy who's just a little too obsessed with TMBG but has sadly NEVER seen them in concert. I am slowly building my collection of TMBG memorabilia. I like to make taglines among other things, here is a list of all the taglines I've made.

Apparently I have spent more than 7,320 minutes of my life listening to They Might Be Giants, and that's just their adult music!

My TMBG fandom story[edit]

Part One[edit]

When I was a wee young'un (about 3 or 4), my parents played me the Here Come The 123s DVD, and I absolutely fell in love with the songs, music videos, and of course, the Puppet Johns. They also played me Here Comes Science but admittedly I wasn't as in love with THAT album as much as the 123s album (I like Science more now.) So yeah, those were my two favourite albums for a very long time.

Part Two[edit]

Cut to 2019, I had mainly forgotten about They Might Be Giants and Here Come the 123s etc, that is until I heard Crystal Fortress. You see, in the summer of 2019, I was on a huge Homestar Runner phase, and I stumbled upon Crystal Fortress. Then I was like: "Oh yeah, They Might Be Giants, I forgot about them!" That led me into a TMBG rabbit hole. I didn't know where to start with TMBG, but then I found this random TMBG Top 20 Songs list, and I checked out those songs. The list had a healthy mix of TMBG classics like Don't Let's Start, Ana Ng, Birdhouse In Your Soul, and also some obscure deep cuts like Mr. Klaw, Cowtown, and I'm All You Can Think About.

Part Three[edit]

Then, in 2021, I went into an even deeper dive to prepare for BOOK and listened to every single album. And as a result They Might Be Giants became my new favourite band.

John Henry is All About the Same Death, But in Alternate Realities Tour[edit]



  • Idk. \(•_•)/

My physical collection[edit]

For my non-TMBG collection, see here.

HotelDetectiveInTheFuture's Collection
Apollo 18Apollo 18BOOKFloodFloodHere Come The 123sHere Come The ABCsHere Comes ScienceThe ElseThe Spine

My personal top 10 TMBG songs[edit]

10. Nanobots
9. Birdhouse In Your Soul
8. Ana Ng
7. Hey Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal
6. Doctor Worm
5. The End of the Tour
4. Snowball in Hell
3. Fingertips
2. Experimental Film
1. The Mesopotamians

TMBG studio albums ranked worst to best (in my personal opinion)[edit]

Album Favourite song Least favourite song
23. The Escape Team Mr. Mischief Night Flo Wheeler
22. Why? Or So I Have Read Then The Kids Took Over
21. Here Come the ABCs Flying V I Am a Robot
20. Long Tall Weekend Older On Earth My Nina
19. No! Four of Two Lazyhead & Sleepybones
18. Here Come the 123s Triops Has Three Eyes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme
17. The Spine Experimental Film Spines
16. Phone Power I Love You For Psychological Reasons Got Getting Up So Down
15. Here Comes Science Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas) Solid Liquid Gas
14. Glean Music Jail, Pt. 1 & 2 All the Lazy Boyfriends
13. Factory Showroom The Bells Are Ringing I Can Hear You
12. BOOK Brontosaurus Quit The Circus
11. My Murdered Remains + More Murdered Remains Tick Tick Tick Tick Door To Door Minotaur
10. Mink Car Man, It's So Loud In Here Mr. Xcitement
9. Nanobots Nanobots Didn't Kill Me
8. John Henry The End of the Tour Stomp Box
7. I Like Fun Let's Get This Over With Lake Monsters
6. Join Us When Will You Die? Dog Walker
5. They Might Be Giants Rhythm Section Want Ad Toddler Hiway
4. The Else The Mesopotamians Feign Amnesia
3. Flood Birdhouse In Your Soul Theme From Flood
2. Lincoln Snowball In Hell You'll Miss Me
1. Apollo 18 Fingertips If I Wasn't Shy


Other musical interests[edit]

Artist Favourite song Favourite album
"Weird Al" Yankovic Albuquerque Running with Scissors
Metallica Master of Puppets Master of Puppets
The Beatles Something Abbey Road
Mother Mother The Sticks The Sticks
Rush 2112 2112
Ninja Sex Party 6969 The Prophecy
The Dear Hunter The Bitter Suite IV and V: The Congregation and the Sermon in the Slit Act III: Life and Death
Flight of the Conchords Father and Son Flight of the Conchords
Fitz and the Tantrums MoneyGrabber Pickin' Up the Pieces

A thing I made[edit]

This is an edit of the Stranger Things season 4 episode Dear Billy with Max listening to Rabid Child.