Lake Monsters
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Lake Monsters |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | I Like Fun, Dial-a-Song (2018) |
year | 2018 |
run time | 2:56 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- Video directed by Hine Mizushima.
- On the recording process for the drums in this song, John Flansburgh stated, "The funky part of Lake Monsters is fully programmed, although I think we replaced the kicks in that section with the sound of Marty’s 'real' kick from the vocal section just so it sounded cohesive between sections."[1]
Song Themes
Cities, Geography, Mind Control, Hypnotism, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Politics, Questions, US States
Current Rating You must be logged in to rate this. You can either login (if you have a userid) or create an account with us today. Lake Monsters is currently ranked #690 out of 1035. (75 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.85) |