
From This Might Be A Wiki
Shows of 2015 | 2015 in TMBG history | Songs of 2015

Date Venue City Attendance
2015-01-10 WFMU Studios Jersey City, NJ Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: RLJohYouDid

2015-01-25 Music Hall of Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY Attendance (37) 37 wikians attended: Apollo Bells12 BlueCanary Brianwlevine CapitalQ Chiweforkgun Craighecht DarKrow Derek Denim Deysian Discardedfolderol Ferreteers Houseofmayors Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale KathyK Kevin713 Mister Charisma Mr. 77 Neimah Nulldogmas Pitch Richyjohn Rockmarooned Rosefox Skullivan Slightlyoffaxis Suavepeanut TDK Teddyleevin Tisher Tsyndrome Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2015-02-10 The Bell House
(Ask Me Another taping with TMBG as VIP guest)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: BlueCanary Craighecht Ferreteers Houseofmayors Kevin713 RLJohYouDid Vvedge Wireless mike

2015-02-22 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Featuring full performance of They Might Be Giants (Album))
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (31) 31 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Brianwlevine Chiweforkgun Craighecht Derek Denim Discardedfolderol Ferreteers HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Indie Cysion Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale Kevin713 Mister Charisma Mr. 77 Mrludwigva Neimah Rightsaiddave Rosefox Rsreale Slightlyoffaxis TDK The Cap'm The nicest of the damned Tisher Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2015-03-29 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Featuring full performance of Flood)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (36) 36 wikians attended: 2bitmonkey Bells12 BlueCanary Brianwlevine CapitalQ Chiweforkgun Craighecht Derek Denim Discardedfolderol Dr Raygun Ferreteers Hideous Houseofmayors Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale KathyK Mister Charisma Mr. 77 Mrludwigva Neimah Rockmarooned Rosefox Rsreale Shaneoffools Slightlyoffaxis TDK Tisher Tmbotg Toupee Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike Xzolen Zondry

2015-04-16 Mr. Smalls Theatre Millvale, PA Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Altermanncam Aquatopia BlueCanary BobpalindromeBob CantKeepJennaDown Dain42 Johnreale King of rock Kman510 Pittsburghmuggle Tommyd1030 Whovianwizard1125 Zakkajj

2015-04-17 Vic Theatre Chicago, IL Attendance (18) 18 wikians attended: Beer Gynt BlueCanary Disgruntledninja El Zilcho Epros Favrite Freakflag Idlewild Johnreale Jonasd LouRocco ModernIdiot Silver Chauffeur Thunderbird Totz the Plaid Urine Man Wbrimley Zander

2015-04-18a Electric Fetus
(Record Store Day in-store performance)
Minneapolis, MN Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: BlueCanary EchostarTheGreat Inky Johnreale Marydan StudioCat Totesawesome Weirdalover

2015-04-18b First Avenue Minneapolis, MN Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Beatle Vette BlueCanary Bowser724 Inky Johnreale Marydan Museumofidiots Onlyobsessed Patteroast Raydavies StudioCat TMBGdotLOVE Totesawesome Weirdalover

2015-04-19 Barrymore Theatre Madison, WI Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Ambernezzie BigEdgarP BlueCanary Epros Esjaygee FoF404 Idlewild Jargent Johnreale Minrice2099

2015-04-21 Beachland Ballroom Cleveland, OH Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Adamspektor Agentstinky BlueCanary BobpalindromeBob Captain Supercool ConnoisaurusRex J-Gatz Jnonfiction Johnreale Kiwano Sirubberduckie

2015-04-22 Upstate Concert Hall Clifton Park, NY Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: BlueCanary Constantinopolitan Craighecht Flameshadow117 Houseofmayors Indie Cysion Johnreale Kevin Kevin5495 Malsbury Mattmanon Mongoose Mr. Vanity Klaw MrsTrain SgtFloydPepper Vinylboy20

2015-04-23 House of Blues Boston, MA Attendance (22) 22 wikians attended: Apostrophe T Augie BlueCanary Eee Ggerrietts GimmieYC 9 HellHotel Indie Cysion Johnreale Kethera Leebenningfield NeatStringer Poutinstereo Redheadedsnippet Riptor3000 SlowlyTwistin Staffman TMBG FOREVER TomInBoston WeaslyD Yorick Younghickory

2015-04-24 9:30 Club Washington, DC Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Ackyri Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Ferreteers Indie Cysion Johnreale Kford13 Meiran Minimumwage Mrludwigva Oracleman Shlobert TDK TheTotallyRealJohnLinnell Tmbgdanfan Zaph

2015-04-25 TLA Philadelphia, PA Attendance (25) 25 wikians attended: Ajmilner Beanmom Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Chillpower Chimpoozle Dante EconolineVan Ferreteers Goldie1028 Indie Cysion James.K.Folk Johnreale Kayakcup LolaGeek MartyBellerMask Marydan Micahmj11 PhillyCrow Primitiveancestry95 Scottscottscott TDK Thelion Vvedge

2015-04-26 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Glean album release party)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (39) 39 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Cclark Chiweforkgun Craighecht Derek Denim Deysian Discardedfolderol Ferreteers HenriekeG HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors James.K.Folk Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale KathyK Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Neimah Rabelcheth Rockmarooned Rosefox Rsreale Sirjoshjoseph Slightlyoffaxis TDK Tenderfoot The Cap'm The Silver Chauffeur Tisher Tsyndrome Tvfactoryguy Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike Zondry

2015-05-01 The Regent Theater Los Angeles, CA Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: 3j0hn Bagofgroceries BlueCanary Boredomtuck Covenant Eviltikimonkey Exit12 FallenOutWithMyHead FrankEinstein Garit HectorR Kakenrip Kerimaus My Insatiable One Ovenmitt Radjose Stevenaaron The Bear Wally Brando

2015-05-02 House of Blues Anaheim, CA Attendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Bagofgroceries BlueCanary Bribob4 Covenant DistopioSmashedtobits Ericjdev Eviltikimonkey Eyetalic FallenOutWithMyHead Friendbone Gwiffon HectorR Kakenrip Kentdigimon Kerimaus LadsGal My Insatiable One NintenDorky Nogwater Ovenmitt Rossum Stevenaaron The Vanishing Dot

2015-05-03 Belly Up Solana Beach, CA Attendance (12) 12 wikians attended: BlueCanary Covenant Da3ve Eviltikimonkey HectorR Kakenrip Mattso37 My Insatiable One Ovenmitt Pandaman Rossum Stevenaaron

2015-05-05 The Depot Salt Lake City, UT Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Bigdondoo BlueCanary Mrb8s Stevenaaron Zomnker

2015-05-06 Knitting Factory Boise, ID Attendance (4) 4 wikians attended: BlueCanary Compgeek78 N8dawg Stevenaaron

2015-05-07 Neptune Theatre Seattle, WA Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Antgeth BlueCanary Catpuppet Cornchops Hoyden42 Joe Rollerfan Lithium junkie Magicalcrawdad ParticleManMRB Selfcallednowhere TODCRA

2015-05-08a Skype Live Studio Portland, OR Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Antgeth BlueCanary Sharicn

2015-05-08b Roseland Theater Portland, OR Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Antgeth Arben BlueCanary Cowtown Davbee John-311 Nascarbean 97 Raven Selfcallednowhere Sharicn Veggieman

2015-05-09 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Aceyyy Andersonic1970 BlueCanary Brian miller Covenant Deanna DominEl Hurryupmode JMightBeGiants Kerimaus My Insatiable One Shaie ToastedWoobie Warhammer Of Zillyhoo

2015-05-10 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: BlueCanary Brian miller Covenant Freezestar Hazzenkockle JMightBeGiants Kerimaus My Insatiable One Ovenmitt TinyTinyDoctors

2015-05-13 Granada Theater Dallas, TX Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Abraxas Aububuh Cstillo DidgeGuy Dr. Unpronounceable JohnMLTX Mikiruma Mr. Unpronounceable Pfetters RLJohYouDid SilverThread Simnacher Trilliongrams

2015-05-14 Stubb's Austin, TX Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Amberdew Cloneofme Entropy Mistercpf Pfetters Pygmoid Ratalope RLJohYouDid SilverThread Stillonit Thatcrazybastard Thestrasburg Torgo Twitchingmonkey Wyvernxk7

2015-05-15 Diamond Ballroom Oklahoma City, OK Attendance (4) 4 wikians attended: Areyoumyana BlueCanary Pfetters SubliminalJK

2015-05-16a KDHX - The Space Parlour
(Radio appearance, IFC release)
St. Louis, MO Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2015-05-16 The Pageant St. Louis, MO Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Areyoumyana BlueCanary Damngoodtimes Doobs Jerrybushman Jonasd Kdern MajikCaesar Münsterlander747 Moe.bush Pfetters SubliminalJK Woodsie22 Zander

2015-05-17 Newport Music Hall Columbus, OH Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: BobpalindromeBob Chasing my Tail Dehodson Disinvited Guest Doctorspocksbackupband Dr.Larry Freakflag Hyperfine PhilosopherDirtBike Pygmoid Renbacko RLJohYouDid Tcp Thevince Zenity

2015-05-18 Reggies
(Live from Studio X)
Chicago, IL Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Cheeto

2015-05-20 Fort Mason Festival Pavilion
(Signal Conference)
San Francisco, CA Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2015-05-31 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(The Else theme show)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (43) 43 wikians attended: Ajon Bells12 BlueCanary Britsterr 87 Bvon44 CapitalQ Chiweforkgun Craighecht DarKrow Derek Denim Deysian Discardedfolderol DistopioSmashedtobits Ebow Ferreteers Frankievallium HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Indie Cysion Ja9novak James.K.Folk Jams JasonDeLima Jd krug Johnreale KathyK LadsGal Mister Charisma Neimah Nulldogmas Pitch Richegreen Rockmarooned Rosefox Rossum Rsreale Slightlyoffaxis TDK Tisher Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2015-06-28a Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Family show)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (19) 19 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Britsterr 87 CapitalQ Eee Ferreteers Indie Cysion JasonDeLima Johnreale Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Neimah Richegreen RLJohYouDid Rockmarooned Rsreale TDK Vvedge Wireless mike

2015-06-28b Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Family show)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (16) 16 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Britsterr 87 CapitalQ Craighecht Ferreteers Houseofmayors Indie Cysion JasonDeLima Mrludwigva RLJohYouDid Slightlyoffaxis TDK Tvman Vvedge Wireless mike

2015-07-20 Rough Trade
(In-store performance)
London, UK Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Dr Raygun Whiscash

2015-07-26 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Lincoln album show)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (36) 36 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Brianwlevine Britsterr 87 CapitalQ Corey Craighecht Deanna Derek Denim Discardedfolderol Ferreteers HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale Kaylum Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Neimah Richegreen Rockmarooned Rosefox Rsreale Slightlyoffaxis TDK The Bear Thruthosetrees Tisher Tmbgdanfan Tmbotg Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike Xzolen

2015-09-27 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Apollo 18 album show)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (34) 34 wikians attended: Adamwolf Bells12 BlueCanary Brianwlevine Britsterr 87 Bugbear CapitalQ Craighecht Derek Denim Discardedfolderol Ferreteers Funatic Houseofmayors Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale Kevin713 Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Neimah Oddjob Richegreen Rockmarooned Rosefox Rsreale Slightlyoffaxis TDK Teddyleevin Tenderfoot Tmbgdanfan Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike Zondry

2015-10-25 Music Hall of Williamsburg
("Horntoberfest" theme)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (31) 31 wikians attended: Afterward Bells12 BlueCanary Brianwlevine Britsterr 87 CapitalQ Craighecht Derek Denim Discardedfolderol Evilrobert Ferreteers Houseofmayors Indie Cysion Ja9novak Jams JasonDeLima Johnreale Kayakcup Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Overjoy Predator Ranger Rosefox Rsreale Skullivan TDK Tisher Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2015-11-02 Astor Theatre Perth, Australia Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2015-11-04 The Gov Adelaide, Australia Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2015-11-05 Tivoli Theatre Brisbane, Australia Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Berkeloid Bicyclelegs Langer8191 Miasg RWS Sensurround Toucan Soup

2015-11-06 Enmore Theatre Sydney, Australia Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Ajon BlueCanary DenialTwister Kayakcup Langer8191 Leppaman Mrpulley Poutinstereo RWS Samvall Sanglorian

2015-11-07 Forum Theatre Melbourne, Australia Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Ash BlueCanary Kayakcup Mrtambo MuseumIdiot Pat RWS

2015-11-19 Port City Music Hall Portland, ME Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: BlueCanary Chriscam84 Djcomfyfroggywitch Eee HeMightBeZacRobMor26 Martycordova23 TomInBoston YoungWilliam

2015-11-20 Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun
(9th Annual Audience Appreciation show)
Uncasville, CT Attendance (14) 14 wikians attended: Akatimo BlueCanary Edeadguy Ferreteers Johnreale KathyK Mongoose Richegreen RLJohYouDid Rsreale TimMierz TomInBoston Vvedge Wireless mike

2015-11-21 Higher Ground South Burlington, VT Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Abcdefghi76543 BlueCanary Cauliflower Flameshadow117 Kevin TomInBoston

2015-11-29 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Special duo set and songs from Dial-A-Song (2015))
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (38) 38 wikians attended: Antgeth Bells12 BlueCanary Brianwlevine Britsterr 87 CapitalQ Chimpoozle Corey Craighecht Derek Denim Ferreteers Fleagle Funatic Harrycalder HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Indie Cysion J2 Jams JasonDeLima JesseS KathyK Kevin713 MichelleMaBelle Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Redheadedsnippet Richegreen RLJohYouDid Rsreale Selfcallednowhere TDK Teddyleevin Tisher Tvman Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike

2015-12-31 Music Hall of Williamsburg
(Celebrate New Year's Eve ft. horns)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (27) 27 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Bells12 BlueCanary Brianwlevine CapitalQ Craighecht Derek Denim Ferreteers Houseofmayors Indie Cysion Jams JasonDeLima Jbob366 Joe Rollerfan Kayakcup Lange17 Mister Charisma Mrludwigva Rightsaiddave RLJohYouDid Rockmarooned Slightlyoffaxis TDK Vvedge Waymu Wireless mike Zondry

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