User:My Evil Twin's Twin/About

From This Might Be A Wiki

"I know he looks like me, hates work like me, and walks like me.
He's even got a twin like me."
-- My Evil Twin

Hi. Of all They Might Be Giants songs, the above is probably my favorite line.

By the way, my favorite color is orange.

Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

Linnell 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Linnell.

Apollo18.png This user's favorite album is Apollo 18.

My TMBG History

I started listening to TMBG around 1997, give or take a couple years. My older brother, a fairly large TMBG fan, had a copy of Flood, but the only song I liked to listen to was Particle Man. Whenever I came by, and he was playing it, I always said, "I want to listen to Particle Man!" After a while, I started to like Dead and We Want A Rock.

Soon, my brother left home for a couple years and I didn't know where to find his copy of Flood. Maybe one of his friends was borrowing it or something. But after a while I forgot almost entirely about TMBG.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2001.

Around early 2001 or so, my best friend reintroduced me to TMBG. He showed me the educational song Why Does The Sun Shine? (The Sun Is A Mass Of Incandescent Gas). It wasn't from Flood, so I wasn't familiar with it. But I still liked it. He let me borrow They Might Be Giants (debut album), and I really liked that. Later, I borrowed his John Henry album, which I also really liked.

Early fall 2001, my friend gave me Severe Tire Damage for my birthday. I really liked that, too. It had my old favorite Particle Man, which made me happy, and it also had Birdhouse In Your Soul and Istanbul (Not Constantinople), which I recognized from Flood.

A month or so later, I was looking in my brother's boxes under his bed, and I found his TMBG CD's. He didn't just have Flood, but he had almost all the albums. I wrote to him, asking him permission to listen to them, and he said okay. Now, I'm a bigger fan than he is.

My Top 100 Favorite TMBG Songs

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal.

  1. Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal - "I said I'd like this song to be #1"
  2. She's An Angel
  3. Which Describes How You're Feeling
  4. Fingertips
  5. Man, It's So Loud In Here
  6. Don't Let's Start
  7. Am I Awake?
  8. I Should Be Allowed To Think
  9. Bangs
  10. Why Does The Sun Shine? (The Sun Is A Mass Of Incandescent Gas)
  11. I Palindrome I
  12. How Can I Sing Like A Girl?
  13. Birdhouse In Your Soul
  14. Dinner Bell
  15. Destination Moon
  16. Hopeless Bleak Despair
  17. The House At The Top Of The Tree
  18. Ant
  19. Metal Detector
  20. Doctor Worm
  21. Everything Right Is Wrong Again
  22. My Evil Twin
  23. Letterbox
  24. Four Of Two
  25. Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
  26. Wearing A Raincoat
  27. Impossible
  28. Monsters Of Mud
  29. The Bloodmobile
  30. Spine
  31. All Alone
  32. Another First Kiss
  33. Sleeping In The Flowers
  34. Boss Of Me
  35. Where Your Eyes Don't Go
  36. Sapphire Bullets Of Pure Love
  37. Words Are Like
  38. Subliminal
  39. Hope That I Get Old Before I Die
  40. New York City
  41. The Famous Polka
  42. Ana Ng
  43. The End Of The Tour
  44. The Bells Are Ringing
  45. Certain People I Could Name
  46. Fibber Island
  47. Mr. Me
  48. They'll Need A Crane
  49. Experimental Film
  50. See The Constellation
  51. Broke In Two
  52. No One Knows My Plan
  53. A Self Called Nowhere
  54. I Can't Hide From My Mind
  55. Finished With Lies
  56. Women And Men
  57. Thermostat
  58. Particle Man
  59. We Want A Rock
  60. Prevenge
  61. The Guitar
  62. Pet Name
  63. Hovering Sombrero
  64. O, Do Not Forsake Me
  65. Dead
  66. Spiraling Shape
  67. Why Must I Be Sad?
  68. Unrelated Thing
  69. Pencil Rain
  70. Mammal
  71. The Day
  72. Minimum Wage
  73. Thunderbird
  74. My Man
  75. Hide Away Folk Family
  76. Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head
  77. The Ballad Of Timothy McSweeney
  78. Cowtown
  79. I've Got A Match
  80. C-Town
  81. Stormy Pinkness
  82. Rhythm Section Want Ad
  83. Mink Car
  84. Wicked Little Critta
  85. Rocket Ship
  86. Doris Cunningham
  87. Till My Head Falls Off
  88. Memo To Human Resources
  89. Dirt Bike
  90. Snowball In Hell
  91. For Science
  92. Mosh Momken Abadon
  93. I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You
  94. I Am A Human Head
  95. Outboard Part Of Man
  96. Piece Of Dirt
  97. Oranges Testimonial
  98. On The Drag
  99. Oranges
  100. James K. Polk

"And I've been walkin' my fingers through my mind / But when you think of that you hurt your mind" -- The Spine, page 2, line 3

I am also registered on Homestar Runner wiki as My Evil Twin's Twin.

HRW This user is also on
Homestar Runner Wiki.

I am also registered on Wikipedia; however, my username over there is not My Evil Twin's Twin.

I am also on Myspace, under my real name, which I still intend to keep anonymous.

Any comments or questions? Just type them up on this page.

Fan of a Fan: An Homage to My Evil Twin's Twin

My Evil Twin's Twin wins. This is an homage to an excellent fan, of which there are many, but s/he is but one, and one is way more than zero, so may my words render fitting honor. Shall I call you "Evil" for short, or shorten it still further to "Eve?" Nietzsche once said that Philosophie must be a woman, for she is fickle when sought, and prefers to be seen in her best attire. Perhaps we TMBG fans are all at heart mere lovestruck schoolgirls, in awe of the tender masculine intellectualism which the Johns have lovingly musicized. To all Wikians who find themselves reading this, note please how very difficult it would be to actually enumerate one's Top 100 TMBG Songs, and how much courage it must have taken to commit such a list to fan scrutiny. Eve inspires me to compile a similar list of my own, but I am a new fan, and am still busy organizing my favorites according to common aesthetic. One day, one day soon...

Let it be further noted that Eve has manifested something of which so many of us have but dreamed: The poem, Dizzy TMBG, compiles lyric fragments into a unique, totally new reading experience, but one which still maintains and builds upon the spirit of the music. In true post-modern, absurdist revelation, the form of the poem mirrors its content, from the blender-intro to the anagrams to the run-on lines of varying length and poignancy. I've often imagined the wonders which a re-arrangement of TMBG elements might yeild, and now I know not only that such a creation is possible, but also that I'm not the only one who has dreamed of stirring the pot and adding personal spice, and that such experiments can indeed bear fruit and multiply. I salute you, My Evil Twin's Twin. One day, when I have more fully absorbed the goodness which is They Might Be Giants, I will respond to your creation with a similar effort in hopes that the kaleidescope be widened still further, but you will forever and ever be the first and greatest.

In closing I wish to acknowledge My Evil Twin's Twin's myriad--nearly uncountable--(dare I say legion?) wiki contributions of the smaller, more scholarly type. In my early halcyon days of wikidom, the entries on the "Recent Changes" page invariably showcased an endless flow of added tidbits to the sundry pages of Wikiland from the learned mind of the mysterious "My Evil Twin's Twin." Dozens of entries became hundreds, and I was overwhelmed--humbled--by the fecundity. Such a fount of inspiration should be lauded, nourished, and exemplified.

Wiki on, True Fan.

Your Eager Student,


Messages to My Evil Twin's Twin

Please don't forget to add a summary line to your edits. Even if it seems redundant, it really helps out with the RSS feeds, quick visitors, etc. Thanks. --SR
I don't really understand RSS. I clicked on the RSS and XML buttons, and it just showed a big long list of ununderstandable stuff. I clicked on What is RSS? and I didn't really understand that either. But yes, I'll try a little harder writing more summaries. --My Evil Twin's Twin