The Famous Polka

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name The Famous Polka
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Don't Let's Start (EP), Don't Let's Start (Album), Miscellaneous T, Then: The Earlier Years, Selections From Then
year 1987
first played February 3, 1987 (616 known performances)
run time 1:33
sung by John Flansburgh; John Linnell


  • This song was originally titled "The Phone Inside A Ribcage Polka," according to John Flansburgh on the Frank O'Toole Show.
  • Flansburgh on the crowd vocals heard throughout the song[1]: "We huddled up. It was just ganged-up takes on a tape machine, but there was some variety-speed users so the voices sounded a bit different from one another."
  • When played at a 1992 show in Milwaukee, WI, the venue's stage collapsed after about 75 people started dancing on it. Before the song, Flansburgh told the audience, "We would like to ask you for this one brief moment to disregard the fire laws. Feel free to just... come on up, and help us out with the Famous... Polka."
  • In most live performances, the vocals are often omitted at the end, save for the "Hey!"s. After the November 29, 2015 performance (captured on Live At The Music Hall Of Williamsburg 11.29.15), Flansburgh said, "You know, people ask us why we don't sing the vocal part of that last song, and the reason is, we forget to."
  • In live shows from 1987 to 1990, this song was performed as a medley alongside "Purple Toupee".

Song Themes

Colors, Hair, Letters Of The Alphabet, Music, Not In Common Time, Size, Telecommunication, Title Not In Lyrics


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The Famous Polka is currently ranked #89 out of 1032. (130 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.95)