From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs can mean many things to different people. Sometimes songs seem to be written with a particular meaning in mind. Sometimes they have no meaning at all. This page provides a place for you to add your own ideas about the meanings behind They Might Be Giants songs.
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Pages in category "Interpretations"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 805 total.
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- Interpretations:A Self Called Nowhere
- Interpretations:A To Z
- Interpretations:Aaa
- Interpretations:About Me
- Interpretations:Absolutely Bill's Mood
- Interpretations:AKA Driver
- Interpretations:Alarm Clock Catastrophe
- Interpretations:Albany
- Interpretations:Alienation's For The Rich
- Interpretations:All Alone
- Interpretations:All Alone, All By Myself
- Interpretations:All The Lazy Boyfriends
- Interpretations:All Time What
- Interpretations:Alphabet Lost And Found
- Interpretations:Alphabet Of Nations
- Interpretations:Am I Awake?
- Interpretations:Am I Awake? (Clock Radio Version)
- Interpretations:Ampersand
- Interpretations:An Insult To The Fact Checkers
- Interpretations:Ana Ng
- Interpretations:Anaheim
- Interpretations:And Mom And Kid
- Interpretations:Anecdote
- Interpretations:Another First Kiss
- Interpretations:Another First Kiss (Edit)
- Interpretations:Anqui
- Interpretations:Answer
- Interpretations:Ant
- Interpretations:Ant (Indestructible Object Version)
- Interpretations:Apartment Four
- Interpretations:Apophenia
- Interpretations:Applause Applause Applause
- Interpretations:Aren't You The Guy Who Hit Me In The Eye?
- Interpretations:Arkansas
- Interpretations:Asheville
- Interpretations:At The Agway
- Interpretations:Au Contraire
- Interpretations:Austin
- Interpretations:Authenticity Trip
- Interpretations:Avalon
- Interpretations:Backstabbing Liar
- Interpretations:Bangs
- Interpretations:Baroque Hoedown
- Interpretations:Bastard Wants To Hit Me
- Interpretations:Battle For The Planet Of The Apes
- Interpretations:Become A Robot
- Interpretations:Bed Bed Bed
- Interpretations:Bed Bed Bed Bed Bed
- Interpretations:Bee Of The Bird Of The Moth
- Interpretations:Beneath The Planet Of The Apes
- Interpretations:Best Of Spin The Dial
- Interpretations:Best Regrets
- Interpretations:Bills, Bills, Bills
- Interpretations:Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Interpretations:Birdhouse In Your Soul (Demo)
- Interpretations:Birds Fly
- Interpretations:Black Ops
- Interpretations:Black Ops (Alt. Version)
- Interpretations:Boat Of Car
- Interpretations:Boss Of Me
- Interpretations:Brain Problem Situation
- Interpretations:Bread Hair
- Interpretations:Broke In Two
- Interpretations:Brontosaurus
- Interpretations:Brooklyn
- Interpretations:Buckle Down, Winsocki
- Interpretations:Burning Coffee
- Interpretations:Butcher's Tale
- Interpretations:By The Time You Get This
- Interpretations:C Is For Conifers
- Interpretations:Cabbagetown
- Interpretations:Cabbagetown (Demo)
- Interpretations:Cage & Aquarium
- Interpretations:Cage And Aquarium
- Interpretations:California As An Island
- Interpretations:Call Connected Thru The NSA
- Interpretations:Call You Mom
- Interpretations:Can You Find It?
- Interpretations:Can't Keep Johnny Down
- Interpretations:Canada Haunts Me
- Interpretations:Canajoharie
- Interpretations:Car Alarms
- Interpretations:Careful What You Pack
- Interpretations:Careless Santa
- Interpretations:Caroline, No
- Interpretations:Cast Your Pod To The Wind (Song)
- Interpretations:CATENAS MEAS AMISI
- Interpretations:Celebration
- Interpretations:Celebrities
- Interpretations:Certain People I Could Name
- Interpretations:Charleston
- Interpretations:Charlottesville
- Interpretations:Chess Piece Face
- Interpretations:Chip The CHiP
- Interpretations:Christmas Cards
- Interpretations:Christmas In The Big House
- Interpretations:Circular Karate Chop
- Interpretations:Clap Your Hands
- Interpretations:Climbing The Walls
- Interpretations:Cloisonné
- Interpretations:Clowntown
- Interpretations:Coffee Table Of Love
- Interpretations:College Town
- Interpretations:Columbia
- Interpretations:Come On And Wreck My Car
- Interpretations:Complete Paranoia
- Interpretations:Contrecoup
- Interpretations:Contrecoup (Demo)
- Interpretations:Counterfeit Fake
- Interpretations:Counterfeit Faker
- Interpretations:Courage The Cowardly Dog
- Interpretations:Cowtown
- Interpretations:Crystal Cave
- Interpretations:Crystal Fortress
- Interpretations:Cupid
- Interpretations:Cut The Strings
- Interpretations:Cyclops Rock
- Interpretations:D & W
- Interpretations:D Is For Drums
- Interpretations:Dallas
- Interpretations:Damn Good Times
- Interpretations:Dan Vs. Cog
- Interpretations:Dark And Metric
- Interpretations:Darling, The Dose
- Interpretations:Daylight
- Interpretations:Dead
- Interpretations:Decision Makers
- Interpretations:Dedicated
- Interpretations:Definition Of Good
- Interpretations:Destination Moon
- Interpretations:Destination Moon (Dial-A-Song)
- Interpretations:Destroy The Past
- Interpretations:Devil Spawn
- Interpretations:Didn't Kill Me
- Interpretations:Different Town
- Interpretations:Dig My Grave
- Interpretations:Dinner Bell
- Interpretations:Dirt Bike
- Interpretations:Dirt Bike (Other Thing)
- Interpretations:Disappointing Show
- Interpretations:Distant Antenna
- Interpretations:Diving Board
- Interpretations:Doctor Worm
- Interpretations:Doctor Worm (Live Almanac)
- Interpretations:Dog
- Interpretations:Dog Walker
- Interpretations:Dollar For Dollar
- Interpretations:Don't Break The Heart
- Interpretations:Don't I Have The Right?
- Interpretations:Don't Let's Start
- Interpretations:Don't Let's Start (Single Mix)
- Interpretations:Door To Door Minotaur
- Interpretations:Doris Cunningham
- Interpretations:Doris Cunningham (Extended)
- Interpretations:Down To The Bottom Of The Sea
- Interpretations:Dr. Evil
- Interpretations:Dr. Kildare
- Interpretations:Dr. Sy Fly
- Interpretations:Drink!
- Interpretations:Drinkin'
- Interpretations:Drown The Clown
- Interpretations:Dunkin Of Course Of Course
- Interpretations:E Eats Everything
- Interpretations:ECNALUBMA
- Interpretations:Eight Hundred And Thirteen Mile Car Trip
- Interpretations:Electric Car
- Interpretations:Elephants
- Interpretations:Employee Of The Month
- Interpretations:Empty Bottle Collector
- Interpretations:End Of The Rope
- Interpretations:Erase
- Interpretations:Even My T-Shirt
- Interpretations:Everybody Conga
- Interpretations:Everything Is Catching On Fire
- Interpretations:Everything Right Is Wrong Again
- Interpretations:Experimental Film
- Interpretations:Exploding Invitation
- Interpretations:Exquisite Dead Guy
- Interpretations:Extra Krispy
- Interpretations:Extra Savoir-Faire