From This Might Be A Wiki
A list of songs that mention jobs from all walks of life.
Central theme
- The Bloodmobile - many jobs mentioned
- Black Ops
- Boss Of Me
- Butcher's Tale
- The Cap'm
- Chip The CHiP
- Computer Assisted Design
- Counterfeit Faker - undertaker, police
- Dog Walker
- Door To Door Minotaur - also, "the scientist was considered kind of disgraced"
- Dr. Sy Fly
- Employee Of The Month
- Hearing Aid - Frosty the Supervisor, and a narrator who appears to be working an office job
- Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal
- Hillbilly Drummer Girl
- Hypnotist Of Ladies
- I Can Help The Next In Line
- I Am A Paleontologist
- Jackie The Clipper - "I'll tell you what I already told the cops", "Jackie the killer, Jackie the overconfident and undercompetent butcher"
- James K. Polk - president
- I'm the Substitute Now
- The King Of Wingo
- Meet James Ensor - painter
- Madam, I Challenge You To A Duel
- Minimum Wage
- Night Security
- One More Parade
- Operators Are Standing By
- Pon-Pon's Theme - "The Belgian boy detective"
- Pon Pon (Demo) - "Mariner drunk"
- Pour Poor Me More Please - a master bartender
- Protagonist - actor, screenwriter
- Rat Patrol
- Re-PETE Offender - Many jobs are mentioned
- Rowboat Mayor - also, "Seems all shipmates have the same position"
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair - Mr. Horrible is a boss, the Ugliness Men are his workers
- The Shadow Government
- She Was A Hotel Detective
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future
- (Since You Joined) The Corporation
- Spy
- Trucker's Coffee - trucker, mime
- Up The Junction - 3rd and 4th verses are about the protagonist's job
- What Bothers The Spaceman? - day watchman, space man
- Who Are The Electors?
- Working Undercover For The Man
Briefly mentioned
- Alienation's For The Rich - "I gotta get a job / I got to get some pay"
- Alphabet Lost And Found - chauffeur, garbage collector
- Anyone Can Fill My Shoes - "I'm in a circus, I'm moving all the time"
- Atlanta - "Electric guitars are nurses"
- Birdhouse In Your Soul - "I'd be fired if that were my job"
- Brontosaurus - "I joined the circus", "Can't cut it as an artist"
- Can't Keep Johnny Down - implied reference to an astronaut
- Cells - "Different cells have different jobs"
- Certain People I Could Name - "The few surviving samurai", "the genocidal overlord"
- Charleston - "Music farmers take the cash"
- Charlottesville - "You're the pupil, they're the teachers"
- Circular Karate Chop - sensei
- Climbing The Walls - "Got to focus on the job / 'Cause I got a new job climbing the walls", "I got so bad I quit my job / then I got a new job climbing the walls"
- Cloisonné - "You have a friend in law enforcement", "All your doctors have gone home"
- College Town - "She's got a job at the townie bar"
- Complete Paranoia - the German scientist guy
- Dan Vs. Cog - "He's a thirsty drummer"
- Down To The Bottom Of The Sea - "And I'm a sailor man."
- Drink! - taking a cigarette break while working a job
- Dr. Kildare - needs a drama teacher, acting coach
- The Edison Museum - "The loyal phantoms of his in-house staff"
- The Fellowship Of Hell - "Prison guards ain't free"
- Good To Be Alive - "I'm not a motivational speaker", "I'm not some mega-church style preacher", "I'm not a life coach or some teacher"
- Hate The Villanelle - schoolteacher
- Haunted Floating Eye - "Workin' as a shill in a traveling show"
- Hopeless Bleak Despair - "It made me lose my job"
- Icky - "Full-time occupation listed as life-draining leech"
- If I Wasn't Shy - uniforms, time clock cards
- I Hope That I Get Old Before I Die - mild reference to being a waiter
- I Left My Body - "I'm waiting endlessly on a receptionist" and "I left my body with my old landlady..."
- I'm Def - "I got a job as a test pilot"
- Last Wave - "Then take me down to the postman...tell the postman to throw them to..."
- Let's Get This Over With - "Even when you're out of work you still have a job to do / Even when you don't know what it is / Your job knows what it is"
- Mink Car - "Silver Chauffeur"
- Mr. Hughes Says - "Tell the pilot and the blimp", "Tell the boxer and the fist"
- My Evil Twin - "Republican president from long ago"
- The Neck Rolls Aren't Working - astronaut
- Number Three - "I went to the president"
- Or So I Have Read - astronauts, mime, clown
- Our Cannibal Friends - "The DJ was ready to get us ready to say goodnight"
- Pet Name - "You work in a hotel"
- Poison Flowers - "Who'll type manifestos at my summer job?"
- Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head - "Quit my job down at the car wash"
- Rabid Child - truck drivers
- Right Before Showtime - "Hour thirteen: I'm a respected artist"
- Shape Shifter - UPS delivery man, anchorwoman, TV repairman
- She's An Angel - "The secretary says he's on another line"
- Sketchy Galore - "If he ever had a job, it must have been a job / For a guy like Sketchy Galore"
- Sleeping In The Flowers - Copy shop clerk, "Tell my boss that I've been fired"
- Snowball In Hell - dialog about the sales business
- So Crazy For Books - "Those librarians all run to me"
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair - "There's some horrible business left/For him to attend to"
- South Carolina - "Garcon [waiter], summon up a new cocktail"
- The Bloodmobile - Different cells' different jobs
- The Neck Rolls Aren't Working - "Like before when I quit working"
- They Got Lost - "Julie at the station", aka Boston radio host Julie Kramer
- They'll Need A Crane - "Don't call me at work again, no, no, the boss still hates me"
- This Is Only Going To Go One Way - captain, magician
- Token Back To Brooklyn - bill collector
- Tractor - "Somebody's here on business", merchant marine, veterinarian
- Turn Around - "I was working all night in my office", dance instructor, engineer
- Vestibule - Senator, germ collector
- We've Got A World That Swings - "Punch the clock at eight"
- When It Rains It Snows - doctor, waitress, fireman (with a hat)
- You'll Miss Me - morticians, detectives