Re-PETE Offender

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Re-PETE Offender"
Re-PETE Offender
Art sketch by David Cowles

song name Re-Pete Offender
artist They Might Be Giants
releases The Escape Team, Dial-A-Song (2018)
year 2018
run time 2:12
sung by John Flansburgh


  • The only song on The Escape Team that was not first premiered on Dial-A-Song; instead it appeared on Dial-A-Song the day after the album's official release. The lyrics were not included in the album's booklet because, according to Flansburgh, the song was recorded at the last minute.[1]
  • Music video directed by David Cowles.

Song Themes

Criminal Activities, Food, Money, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Problems With Liner Notes, Swing Feel


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Re-PETE Offender is currently ranked #380 out of 1032. (36 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.50)