College Town
From This Might Be A Wiki

Dial-A-Song (2015) artwork
song name | College Town |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song (2015) |
year | 2015 |
run time | 2:04 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- In a radio interview with KMSU on November 19, 2015, Flansburgh stated that he had been working on this song since at least the time of The Else in 2007.[1]
- In November 2018, Flansburgh noted that this "track was recorded as a demo, and the vocal was essentially scratch", which is why it didn't make the final track listing for the 2018 collection My Murdered Remains.[2] As a result, like "I Am A Ring," it was not included on any of the albums compiling 2015 and 2018 Dial-A-Song tracks.
- Video by Paul Sahre and Zak Tebbal[3] (the same duo who created the video for "Trouble Awful Devil Evil").
Song Themes
Hotels, Love Gone Sour, Occupations, School, This Town, Transportation, US States
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