I Am A Paleontologist

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "I Am A Paleontologist"
I love diggin' in the dirt.

song name I Am a Paleontologist
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Podcast 39, Here Comes Science
year 2009
first played March 28, 2009 (58 known performances)
run time 2:32
sung by Danny Weinkauf; Lena and Kai Weinkauf speak


  • Video directed by Sean McBride, who previously co-directed "I Never Go To Work", with additional animation by Chris Timmon, who previously co-directed the video for "The Mesopotamians".
  • The song was originally known as "Paleontologist" during the recording sessions of the album, as evidenced by that being the name the song was published as before the album's release.
  • A demo version of this song was featured in a 2011 advertisement for Payless ShoeSource entitled "It's Time for Payless".
  • The song "Archaeology" from Weinkauf's 2014 solo album No School Today was inspired by fans telling him they loved "that archaeology song", when they actually meant paleontologist.
  • The background photo used during the John & John intro to this song is from The Inn and Spa at Loretto, in Santa Fe, NM.

Song Themes

Animals, Body Parts, Children, Food, Museums, Non-John Vocals, Occupations, Plants, Questions, Science, Songs Used In Commercials, Spoken Word


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I Am A Paleontologist is currently ranked #206 out of 1032. (100 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.72)