Who Are The Electors?

From This Might Be A Wiki
Official music video for "Who Are The Electors? "
Screenshot: "Giving smaller states extra weight"

song name Who Are the Electors?
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Who Are The Electors? (Single), Secret Music Vol. 1
year 2020
run time 2:18
sung by John Linnell


  • This song and its music video debuted on August 15, 2020 during a CNN Special Report, "Count on Controversy: Inside the Electoral College". The video features animation reminiscent of Schoolhouse Rock!.
  • From an October 2020 TMBG newsletter:
Please note this song is FACT-BASED and does not represent They Might Be Giants’ personal views on the Electoral College system. No one is sure how long we can all go along with presidents being elected in spite of losing the popular vote, but right now it seems we should dance with the Constitution that brought us.

Song Themes

Cartoons, Cities, Counting, Educational, Geography, History (Theme), Mathematics, Occupations, Politics, Questions, US States


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