I Can Add
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | I Can Add |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Here Come The 123s |
year | 2008 |
run time | 2:03 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, Hannah Levine |
- Music video designed by David Cowles and animated by Adam Sacks. In addition, several people assisted with animation, who are all credited here.
- According to Sacks' LinkedIn page, the video was produced between February and April 2007, and according to Cowles, this was the third video he completed for the album.
- According to Cowles, all of the pictures used for the characters in the video were sourced from a stock image library.
- In the DVD ending credits, this song's position is swapped with "Nonagon".
Song Themes
Children, Counting, Language, Mathematics, Non-John Vocals, Numbers, Spanish, Spoken Word, Writing
- On They Might Be Giants Friday Night Family Podcast
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