
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes
Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

This user's pronouns are she/her.

FanClub12 45.png This user is not a member of the Instant Fan Club. You must be thinking of some other band.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is 2082.

StateSongs.png This user's favorite State Song is South Carolina.

It's Fun To Steal.png This user's favorite Mono Puff Song is Mr Hughes Says.

Linnell 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Linnell.

Join Us.png This user's favorite album is Join Us.
ARNATQ.png This user's favorite compilation album is Album Raises New And Troubling Questions.

IndestructibleObject.png This user's favorite EP is Indestructible Object.

Vancouver 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Vancouver.

SV This user has rated the following songs.

Hai, I'm Primm.
Bios are hard so I'll keep this short. I'm a nerdy girl who likes doing computery things and listening to music!
I hope you find my page interesting!!

My TMBG Related Projects[edit]

JH Hypercard HTML - The homepage for one of my websites that is heavily styled on the John Henry HyperCard stack. A modern recreation already exists, but I thought it would be nice to try to attempt it myself anyway. It also led me to working on John Henry Snippets, which was also great!

QCAM Recreation - This is a recreation of the QCAM service from I spruced up the page so it works on a modern browser and it now has media controls and the option for the user to select which video they'd like to view.

Clock Radio Revival - I found the flash file for the Clock Radio and decided to take a look at what data the program was expecting. Despite having absolutely no flash knowledge, I thought it would then be easy enough to make my own server files and point the application towards it. In the end, I managed to fix a few bugs with the original app and get it running both in browser and desktop, playing most of the original songs that were part of the service. I think the program is especially nice for those who (like myself) never experienced the Clock Radio the first time around!

TMBG App Log - Until 2021, the They Might Be Giants (App) page held a log of all the previous songs that had been played on the app with its respective date. I'm a huge fan of the app and still listen to it regularly, and occasionally remember days by which songs were playing on the app. I ended up missing this list enough to decide to host a similar log on my website as just a simple text file which is updated daily. If there are gaps in the data, I apologise - breakdowns sometimes happen!

John Henry Snippets - The aforementioned John Henry Hypercard had the songs sequenced using a text file, which I decided to rewrite into a MIDI format. This website allows you to listen to MP3s of the whole album created from the MIDI files and using instruments that I found fitting, as well as download the MIDI files of all the tracks that don't contain vocal samples.

Custom Wiki Themes - As much as I love the current theme options on this wiki, I found myself only really using a single one. So I decided to add a new dash of paint to the others by styling them like TMBG album covers, using the additional CSS feature. So now I can have much more variety when wikiing! And by all means use some of these themes on your own account if you like the look of them!

Typeface Spreadsheet - I made a spreadsheet documenting the main typefaces used in the design of each TMBG studio album, as a way of learning how to identify fonts. If you notice an inaccuracy or have identified something which is missing, feel free to leave a comment on the sheet.

Favourite Song From Each Album[edit]

They Might Be Giants Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes
Lincoln Snowball In Hell
Flood We Want A Rock
Apollo 18 I Palindrome I
John Henry Dirt Bike
Factory Showroom Spiraling Shape
Long Tall Weekend Certain People I Could Name
Mink Car Hovering Sombrero
No! Four Of Two
The Spine Broke In Two
Here Come The ABCs Alphabet Lost And Found
The Else The Shadow Government
Here Come The 123s I Never Go To Work
Here Comes Science Put It To The Test
Join Us 2082
Nanobots Tesla
Glean Answer
Why? Elephants
I Like Fun Let's Get This Over With
My Murdered Remains Ampersand
The Escape Team The Poisonousness
BOOK Moonbeam Rays

Primm's Collection
2011 Instant Fan Club EPA User's Guide To They Might Be Giants: Melody, Fidelity, QuantityAlbum Raises New And Troubling QuestionsApollo 18Apollo 18Asbury Park LiveAu Contraire (Promo)Back To SkullBeast Of HornsBirdhouse In Your Soul (EP)BOOKDon't Let's Start (Album)Experimental Film (Promo)Factory ShowroomFloodFloodFloodGleanHere Come The 123sHere Come The ABCsHere Comes ScienceI Like FunIdlewild (Album)Indestructible ObjectJohn HenryJoin UsLazy (Single)LincolnLincoln SamplerLong Tall WeekendMink CarNanobotsNo!Phone PowerPodcast HighlightsSecret Music Vol. 1Secret Music Vol. 2Severe Tire DamageState SongsStelluB (Single)The Devil Went Down To Newport (EP)The ElseThe ElseThe Escape TeamThe Hal Cragin YearsThe SpineThe Spine Surfs Alone: Rarities 1998-2005The Steve Calhoon YearsThem Ain't Big Eye AntsThen: The Earlier YearsThey Got LostThey Might Be Giants (Album)UnsupervisedVenue SongsWhy?