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7 wikians attended: Bonhomhongon Einarfour FluffySciKitten IMBDave Moe.bush Oilybastard This Microphone
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Set 1:
- They Might Be Giants (Alt. Version) Intro
- Synopsis For Latecomers
- Underwater Woman
- Twisting
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
- Your Racist Friend
- Whistling In The Dark
- Spy
- stelluB
- Moonbeam Rays
- Brontosaurus
- Lucky Ball & Chain
- Road Movie To Berlin
- Particle Man
- Damn Good Times
Set 2:
- Hearing Aid (Alt. Version) Intro
- Video of stelluB reversed
- Memo To Human Resources
- Minimum Wage
- Letterbox
- Women & Men
- Ana Ng
- Dead
- Let Me Tell You About My Operation
- Hot Cha
- Theme From Flood
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Encore 1:
Encore 2:
They Might Be Giants
The Ogden Theatre in Denver, CO
May 11, 2023
Fan Recaps and Comments:
oilybastard: after women and men linnell decided to swap ana ng and dead (it was the other way around on the setlist). in response we cheered, which prompted him to say “stop cheering, you don’t even know what it is yet”