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< Shows
5 wikians attended: Areyoumyana Chessp1eceface Matt Osborn ParticleManMRB Truthorsandwiches
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Set 1:
- They Might Be Giants (Alt. Version) Intro
- Synopsis For Latecomers
- Turn Around
- Particle Man
- The Darlings Of Lumberland
- Twisting
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
- Women & Men
- Moonbeam Rays
- stelluB
- Cloisonné
- Your Racist Friend
- Museum Of Idiots
- Road Movie To Berlin
- Brontosaurus
Set 2:
- Hearing Aid (Alt. Version) Intro
- Video of stelluB reversed
- Memo To Human Resources
- Minimum Wage
- Letterbox
- Number Three
- Whistling In The Dark
- Lucky Ball & Chain
- Hot Cha
- Spy
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- 2082
- We Want A Rock
- Dead
- Theme From Flood
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Encore 1:
Encore 2:
On the setlist but not played:
They Might Be Giants
The Bourbon in Lincoln, NE
May 14, 2023
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- Second TMBG show! Drove eight hours to get there the day of! Super worth it! Got a fingertips shirt and a poster. I also caught a Marty drumstick!