Podcast 32A

From This Might Be A Wiki
editThey Might Be Giants Podcast
Season 1 (2005-06): 1A | 2A | 3A | 4A | 5A | 5B | 6A | 6B | 6C | 7A | 8A | 9A | 10A | 11A
Season 2 (2007): 21A | 22A | 23A | 24A | 25A | 26A | 27A | 28A | 28B | 28C | Tour
Season 3 (2008-09): 31A | 32A | 32B | 33A | 33B | 34A | 35A | 36A | 36B | 37A | 38A | 39
Season 4 (2010-11): 40 | 41 | 42 | Tour | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48
Season 5 (2012): 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57A | 58 (2014)
See also: They Might Be Giants Friday Night Family Podcast

Host: They Might Be Giants robots, powered by a speech synthesis program
Date published: February 5, 2008
Show length: 21:06
Subscribe: XML Feed / Apple Podcasts
Download MP3: Download
Audio info: 160kbps MP3, Mono, 24.2 MB


"Hosted by public radio's Duke of Dead Air-Cecil Portesque-broadcasting from a secret, very futuristic location. Includes exclusive They Might Be Giants recordings, previews and rarities."

Extended description

John Flansburgh in the February 5, 2008 newsletter:

For all you non-NYC folk, we're happy to report there is yet another brand-new audio podcast launching later today at link and it features selections from TMBG's first demo! Yes - their 1983 demo. We think you'll want to check it out.

Description from theymightbegiants.com:

Podcast 32A includes recent live tracks recorded for XM Radio with the mighty horn section in tow, along with amazing audio from the ever shrinking TMBG audio crypt! Yes, hear TMBGs 1983 demo recordings! It roughy rough rough!


Maybe you don't know this because, like, no one is telling you. But, like, robot children are taking over the world. They already possess the will of the government. Like, do you have a better explanation?
They Might Be Giants Podcast. Damn, it's back. Here is an early demo, maybe the earliest we can find.
"Now That I Have Everything" includes drums from a demonstration album of drum beats recorded by Dave Crigger. We believe this album was called Drum Drops: The Progressive Album, but maybe that is wrong. Anyway, when They Might Be Giants were playing the Pyramid Club and 8BC, this was often the song they opened their show with.
That song was called Weep Day.
The song "Hell Hotel" features the amazing guitarist Jonathan Gregg, who performed with John Linnell in the band, The Mundanes. The song was written during a Twilight Zone marathon, and is loosely inspired by an episode of that show. Sebastian Cabot was an early role model for the band.
Maybe you don't know this because, like, no one is telling you. But, like, robot children are taking over the world. They already possess the will of the government. Like, do you have a better explanation? Well, damn it, we need you to stop them by buying the new children's album from They Might Be Giants, Here Come the 123s.
  • [17:49] - Seven
  • [19:57] - Narrator patter, male voice:
This was a podcast. There will be more.