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Shows of 2006 | 2006 in TMBG history | Songs of 2006

Date   Venue City Attendance
2006-04-26 9:30 Club Washington, DC Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Absolutelybill Buschap Christina Frodolives Lucian Shnizzedy TDK Teh5thhorseman Tenniru Z.dayton Zaph

2006-04-27 Sonar Baltimore, MD Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: BlixieB Frodolives Joltman Nixonismyhero Rossum Sullenmoon TDK

2006-04-28 The Orange Peel Asheville, NC Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Gamefreakdano Glassofmilk Jbullins Kassi Matt Kurz Oingo87 Pjolly Stephonicle StoicJohn Syzslak

2006-04-29 Music Farm Charleston, SC Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Older Still Pjcommunists TheyCallMeDrVerm

2006-05-01 Revolution Fort Lauderdale, FL Attendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Epeterso2 IHaveNoMuffins Kushboy

2006-05-02 Jannus Landing St. Petersburg, FL Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Alia Bwhich Eitingon Jfailes Jsfailes Minerwerks Oliveirach Ripner Squeak

2006-05-03 Variety Playhouse Atlanta, GA Attendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Ablindtangerine Ames DoctorWorm7 Drjamerson Geekqueen Lange17 MinkeyBoodle11 Nbx909 Realburiedtreasure StudioBueno Suegypt Syzslak Vwfreak42

2006-05-04 Trustees Theater Savannah, GA Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Drjamerson Jbullins

2006-05-05 Exit/In Nashville, TN Attendance (6) 6 wikians attended: Duende Jdw672page Pinecones Pvtadamgod RyRy Yahrdme

2006-05-06 The Pageant St. Louis, MO Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: Aliste Areyoumyana Barmonkey Cyenu Dr worm md Duende Giggleloop Grahamswife J-Spot Jbob366 Kdern Mmnatas Pandaman ScaryWhiteGirl Snodzilla SubliminalJK TSN

2006-05-09 Newport Music Hall Columbus, OH Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Appleheart Aquatopia BobpalindromeBob Buttertownmayor Crozo Duende Freakflag Gistheman22 Lad LitMatch Moofy Mucket Raanve Rampantbaboon Thevince

2006-05-10a WYEP Pittsburgh, PA Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2006-05-10b Mr. Smalls Theatre Millvale, PA Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Aaronjacobwillman Alexx Arben BigEdgarP FrankEinstein Poutinstereo Sirubberduckie Thehennnry

2006-05-11 Sundown in the City Knoxville, TN Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: GibbiPicasso Shwabro

2006-05-12 TLA Philadelphia, PA Attendance (38) 38 wikians attended: Afraidofpop Amy Beanmom Blind Simeon Chillpower Chimpoozle ChrissMari Crabs Quartucci Craighecht Derekcap Frodolives HeyErikLeafinson I am a Sax Player Kayakcup Lammyjam Leolapyre LolaGeek Mareegirl42 Micahmj11 Milli Mlith35 Musicologyman Nixmonico Obsessical Orangepeel PhillyCrow Resident RLJohYouDid Sensurround29 Shepritz Some guy with an foot TDK ThisMightBeAndy Tvman Twentyagon Vvedge Zak Zakolita

2006-05-13 Tulip Festival Albany, NY Attendance (20) 20 wikians attended: Apollo15 Craighecht CuppaCoffee Duke33 Harringtonj85 Hot Cha Houseofmayors Kayakcup Keilerm Lisaroxroxrox LoudInHere Mi5terdna Monkiepeople99 MRH0RRIBLE MrsTrain Nightpotato Qalthos SgtFloydPepper ThisMightBeAndy Vinylboy20

2006-06-30 World Cafe Live
(WXPN Free at Noon)
Philadelphia, PA Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: BlixieB Cody-schmidt CuppaCoffee DarKrow Frodolives Micahmj11 Shepritz TDK ThisMightBeAndy Withfreinds

2006-07-01 Wolf Den at Mohegan Sun Uncasville, CT Attendance (25) 25 wikians attended: Akatimo Arben Armicron Da3ve Edeadguy Harrycalder Iamsplice Jbshryne Jokah Kayakcup Kevin713 Ksw LeeSteel Long Tall Kevin Megatron Mongoose Oxlahun PlayfairMoriarty Rockmarooned Slightlyoffaxis Torgo Vdaq Vvedge Younghickory Zak

2006-07-28 Hedgpeth Festival Twin Lakes, WI Attendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Aliste Elaysion Freakflag Moofy Pandaman Rabidchild1 RIVE

2006-08-25 Lincoln Park Zoo Chicago, IL Attendance (39) 39 wikians attended: Aliste AtionSong Barmonkey Beer Gynt Briguyd BurdHouseInChicago Disgruntledninja Drworm818 EbolaSalad Flood222 Francisco Freakflag Frogbs Ganna Garnish HectorR INeedACrane Jdcooldude Kassi KBear27 Kellifersue Lelegion LouRocco Moofy Mr.Xcitement Mrme27 Planetfour Rabidchild1 Rcmiv RecordCollector06 RIVE Rjdmail Shellbelle Spejampar TheBlunderbuss Thunderbird Twiceremovedfan Wbrimley Xannie

2006-11-11 Supreme Trading Brooklyn, NY Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Drypaintsigns Richegreen

2006-11-18a Riverspace Arts in Nyack
(Kids show)
Nyack, NY Attendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Dan DKC Kassi Kayakcup Moofy Mr.klaw TDK Zondry

2006-11-18b Riverspace Arts in Nyack Nyack, NY Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: CapitalQ Cubeclub Dan Frankievallium Frodolives I am a Sax Player Iamsplice Ill masta JohnHenry Kassi Kayakcup Meekipoof Moofy Mr.klaw MRH0RRIBLE Sensurround29 TDK

2006-12-01 Primavera Sound Festival Barcelona, Spain Attendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Nagasakinightmare101 Twig101

2006-12-09a World Cafe Live
(11am show)
Philadelphia, PA Attendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Frodolives Micahmj11 Orangepeel TDK ThisMightBeAndy

2006-12-09b World Cafe Live
(2pm show)
Philadelphia, PA Attendance (4) 4 wikians attended: Beanmom Micahmj11 Mr. 77 ThisMightBeAndy

2006-12-15 The Canal Room
(Three song appearance)
New York, NY Attendance (1) 1 wikians attended: TDK

2006-12-16a Southpaw
(All ages)
Brooklyn, NY Attendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Craighecht HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors Kayakcup Milli Mister Charisma Nulldogmas Richegreen TDK

2006-12-16b Southpaw Brooklyn, NY Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Craighecht Freakflag Frodolives HeyErikLeafinson Kayakcup Kevin713 Lange17 Milli Moofy Richegreen Rockmarooned Slightlyoffaxis TDK Vvedge Willie

Cancelled shows

  • 2006-05-08 - The Vogue, Indianapolis, IN (Reason: Unknown)
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