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13 wikians attended: Bassnuggies Bdluejay Cf20936 CoreyFoister Dave1dmarx Disinvited Guest Fractalworm Its-a Mi-a Joltman Markmeadows Minimumwage Selfcallednowhere Thatbluething
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Set 1:
- They Might Be Giants (Alt. Version) Intro
- Letterbox
- Synopsis For Latecomers
- Brontosaurus
- Damn Good Times
- Man, It's So Loud In Here
- Your Racist Friend
- Number Three
- Whistling In The Dark
- The Darlings Of Lumberland
- Particle Man
- stelluB
- We Want A Rock
- Moonbeam Rays
- Road Movie To Berlin
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Set 2:
- Hearing Aid (Alt. Version) Intro
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Twisting
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
- Women & Men
- The Mesopotamians
- Marty Beller Mask
- Let Me Tell You About My Operation
- Hot Cha
- Mr. Me
- Lucky Ball & Chain
- Don't Let's Start
- Minimum Wage
- New York City
- Theme From Flood
- Doctor Worm
Encore 1:
Encore 2:
They Might Be Giants
Lincoln Theatre in Washington, DC
December 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
Its-a Mi-a: Really fantastic energy at this show, especially during Darlings of Lumberland, which was a joy to see live. Having Dead as the second encore felt a little odd, but I understand wanting it to be your closer. Road Movie to Berlin was probably the highlight of the night, Flansy's pipes really shined through.