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Set 1:
- They Might Be Giants (Alt. Version) Intro
- Letterbox
- Synopsis For Latecomers
- Brontosaurus
- Damn Good Times
- Man, It's So Loud In Here
- Your Racist Friend
- Number Three
- Whistling In The Dark
- The Darlings Of Lumberland
- Particle Man
- stelluB
- We Want A Rock
- Moonbeam Rays
- Road Movie To Berlin
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Set 2:
- Hearing Aid (Alt. Version) Intro
- Video of stelluB reversed
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- Twisting
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
- Women & Men
- The Mesopotamians
- Marty Beller Mask
- Let Me Tell You About My Operation
- Hot Cha
- Mr. Me
- Lucky Ball & Chain
- Don't Let's Start
- Minimum Wage
- New York City
- Theme From Flood
- Doctor Worm
Encore 1:
Encore 2:
They Might Be Giants
Rams Head Live in Baltimore, MD
December 18, 2022 at 8:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- This was my first ever TMBG show! Apparently this was the same setlist from a show a couple days earlier. Dan’s guitar was acting up so while it was getting fixed we got some good banter.
- Flans talked about NFTS and how ugly the art for them are. Linnell talked about golf and how he had only ever played mini golf, Flans had played real golf but made a joke about how his astigmatism and fear of the outdoors didn’t go good with it. Linnell said the phrase “sports game” and Dan laughed at him. After “I Can’t Remember The Dream,” Flans mentioned that JL had told him a dream he had earlier. Linnell described the dream: there was a dead shark in his hotel room but it turned out that it was actually drugged and started crawling around. Then he said the song they had just played was autobiographical because he usually can’t remember his dreams.
- The Mojo Chessmaster was on stage but Flans didn’t end up playing it. It was at least nice to see.
- My first TMBG show as well! I remember how much more energy Number Three had in this performance compared to the studio recording. I didn't know many of the songs they played, but I now know them all by heart. Great banter by the Johns, especially the drugged shark (as mentioned in number1pinkalbumenjoyer's recap).