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22 wikians attended: ArrogantOriole Beanboy89 Bells12 BlueCanary CapitalQ Corndog1371 Dante Erdomi Ferreteers Herroyalflyness Indie Cysion Joltman Mattso37 Mdith Minimumwage Mongoose Nixonismyhero Rossum Rsreale TDK ThingintheBassSax Vvedge
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Set 1:
- "Monster" Intro
- Robot Parade
- Where Your Eyes Don't Go
- Minimum Wage
- Music Jail, Pt. 1 & 2
- Can't Keep Johnny Down
- Don't Let's Start
- Trouble Awful Devil Evil
- Cloisonné
- Particle Man
- Subliminal
- Doctor Worm
- Meet James Ensor
- It's Not My Birthday
- James K. Polk
- Authenticity Trip
- Bills, Bills, Bills
- Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes
Set 2:
- Number Three
- Answer
- Careful What You Pack
- The Mesopotamians
- Twisting
- I Love You For Psychological Reasons
- Your Racist Friend
- When Will You Die
- Ana Ng
- Fingertips
- The Statue Got Me High
- Let Me Tell You About My Operation
- The Famous Polka
- New York City
- Experimental Film
Encore 2:
They Might Be Giants
Rams Head Live in Baltimore, MD
March 17, 2016 at 9:00 PM