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15 wikians attended: Bells12 BlueCanary Cunea Duke33 Indie Cysion Joltman Kford13 Markmeadows MidoFS Minimumwage Octoflange Sargon Singrdave Vvedge Waymu
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They Might Be Giants
Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC
April 16, 2016 at 4:00 PM
Fan Recaps and Comments:
Very similar to the first show of this day, though I had a better time during the first. Security guards were standing in front of the stage trying to prevent people from getting too close, which was dumb because half the show was spent by them pushing various children (and Vvedge) back into me because they decided for whatever reason he was too close to the stage. Kinda BS.
I was also standing right in front of a very excitable fan who wouldn't stop shrieking during the show, but of course that isn't a fault of the band itself.